
Mike Pence and Betsy DeVos came to the neighborhood. Neighbors responded accordingly

February 5, 2020

Dozens of folks showed up along the 900 block of S. 47th late Wednesday morning to welcome Vice President Mike Pence and Betsy DeVos, the Secretary of Education, who were at the Saint Francis de Sales School for a visit connected to “National School Choice Week.”

Carrying rainbow flags and signs calling for fair funding of public education, protesters set up on both sides of 47th Street amid a fairly heavy police presence. 

The Trump administration has come under fire again recently for undermining the rights of LGBTQ people and Pence’s discrimination as governor of Indiana is well documented. DeVos, meanwhile, has proposed deep cuts to public education.

Today’s protest was organized on short notice on Facebook. Here are some more photos and a video:

9 Comments For This Post

  1. West Philly Says:

    Remind me, why was Pence there? Seems the purpose of his visit is not real news. The real news is disgruntled activists milling about with their grievances. They have the right to protest. But WPL should be ashamed of their fawning surrender to political agendas.

  2. American Dream Says:

    This is our neighborhood. Pence and DeVos are antithetical to the prevailing values here. If you are a Fox News/Alt Right homophobe/transphobe, that’s your bad- not a valid reason to troll this board.

  3. EverbodyLovesRayClown Says:

    WPL does not need to be ashamed because you tell them to be. WPL already stated the nature of Pence’s visit in a previous article. West Philly, nobody cares. Get over yourself. This comment section has become nothing more than disgruntled bitter persons like yourself milling about their bony little self righteous fingers along their keyboards, irritatingly and unintelligibly attempting to air out their grievances, tired, irrelevant and unimportant grievances, the unnecessary grievances you troll out in an attempt to attack the lighthearted articles written by dedicated staff. Get over yourself. You are a troll. Your little vitriol is more suited for Yahoo News comment threads. Everybody Loves Ray Clown!

  4. EverbodyLovesRayClown Says:

    Afterthought: It would be nice if the comment thread was disabled across the board for every article. The articles are rich and informative as they are.

    It just goes into free fall once the comments start popping in.

  5. West Philly Says:

    @ American Nightmare You don’t own the neighborhood.Ouch – “homophobe/transphobe” – feeling the Love. Except when someone doesn’t accept your “values.” Seems tolerance only works one way.

    @ EverygobyLovesREALClown Sorry, I have the same right to a voice as you. Ah yes, the best defense – “troll.” If nobody cares why respond. Ah, you do care. You want people to affirm your enlightened state. Won’t happen.

  6. West Philly Says:

    @ American Nightmare You don’t own the neighborhood.Ouch – “homophobe/transphobe” – feeling the Love. Except when someone doesn’t accept your “values.” Seems tolerance only works one way.

    @ EverygobyLovesREALClown Sorry, I have the same right to a voice as you. Ah yes, the best defense – “troll.” If nobody cares why respond. Ah, you do care. You want people to affirm your enlightened state. Won’t happen.

    As for closing comments – fine with me!

  7. EverbodyLovesRayClown Says:

    Comment so nice, they had to say it twice.

  8. West Philly Says:

    @EverbodyLovesRayClown Thanks! I’ll take that as a compliment. Probably the best I’ll get 😁

  9. EverbodyLovesRayClown Says:

    Hahahaha. Me too :}

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