
VP Pence in West Philly today; ‘Love Thy LGBTQ Neighbor, West Philly’ will be there to greet him

February 5, 2020

Vice President Mike Pence will be rolling through West Philly today for an event at the Saint Francis De Sales School at 47th and Springfield.

Pence is scheduled to be joined by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway for the event, billed as a celebration of National School Choice Week. They are scheduled to be at the school at 12:30 this afternoon.

An impromptu rally organized mostly on Facebook will be there to greet Pence and the others. Entitled “Love Thy LGBTQ Neighbor, West Philly,” the gathering is scheduled to meet at 47th and Springfield from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

12 Comments For This Post

  1. West Philly Says:

    I love my LGBTQ neighbors. Yet I’m sure that some would consider me transphobic, homophobic, a hater, etc. Why, because although I respect their freedom of choice in a pluralistic society, I won’t affirm their lifestyle. Also, because I love them, I won’t affirm same-sex marriage as good for human flourishing. I won’t affirm as normal homosexual practices. I affirm that there are two and only two genders, male and female, and nothing, not even chemicals or surgery can change that reality. As long as affirmation or validation is required in order to have a conversation there will be acrimony and vitriol. The chasm will not be bridged. However, when we practice a mutual tolerance which permits everyone to live together without resolving all our differences, without pretending there has been resolution, and without demanding it, we will have made progress. I don’t hate people because I disagree with them. Don’t hate me because you disagree with me.

  2. EverbodyLovesRayClown Says:

    Mike Pence is a dingbat. The two women also mentioned in this article, dingbats. Pence has posited that trump was sculpted in The Almighty’s likeness. So I guess that Taco Bell “fire sauce” stain on trump’s lapel…whatever. And there’s only one Conway I respect. later clowns (Not ICP (who rule)).

  3. Phil McCracken Says:

    Meatloaf. Whatever happened to him?

  4. American Dream Says:

    It’s about material conditions more than ideology, per se. If you work to deny basic rights to queer people that are afforded each and every day to those that conform to the social norms that Pence and Trump uphold, do not be surprised if people push back against you. Because everyone wants Freedom and a good life, as well they should. It’s not actually spiritual or ethical to begrudge them that. It’s a fundamentally hateful thing to to do in fact, not at all “Christian” to me.

  5. W. McCann Says:

    De Sales, was my Elementary Grade for 7/8 grades in 1946/7

  6. bw Says:

    west philly – you are a hypocrite. you “love your LGBTQ neighbors” but basically want them to sit back and shut up. keep patting your own back and convincing yourself that you are a good person.

  7. West Philly Says:

    @bw – So predictable. Didn’t take long for the knives to come out. Just engage in name-calling because I won’t affirm lifestyle choices. I don’t expect my neighbors to sit back and shut up. Neither do I allow them to cow me into a social agenda/experiment that allows men in women’s restrooms or on sport teams, for example. I’m for equal rights, not special rights. I don’t consider myself a “good” person and care little whether others think I am. I love my LGBTQ neighbor enough to tell them the truth rather than fawn over them or encourage them to persist in a destructive lifestyle.

  8. Neighbor Says:

    Scientific American article discussing the various ways in which sex is not just binary, if you care to learn more:

  9. American Dream Says:

    See also:

  10. Bob Dylan Says:

    User “West Philly” is actually Pence texting from inside the limo. Hi Mike!

  11. EverbodyLovesRayClown Says:

    So glad yet another *yawn* tired argument had to break out. Totally missing the point of the article is not an uncommon theme on here. People love to toss their opinions in like anybody at all I mean anybody wants to hear them. See I thought the article was about Pence appearing at DeSales, a well respected West Philly school and place of worship. Apparently (I am always wrong…wipes yoke off face) it was an opportunity *second yawn* to bicker about lgbt issues. Love it. Love it. Brotherly love it. Please, more opinions. More more more.

  12. American Dream Says:

    See also:

    “Science Won’t Settle Trans Rights”

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