
COVID-19 community spread confirmed in Philly. Are you practicing social distancing?

March 19, 2020

As the number of the coronavirus (COVID-19) infections in the Philly area has been rapidly growing, and cases of community spread are confirmed, it is important to practice social distancing (among other precautions), whether it’s cancelling meetings, social gatherings and hangouts, or keeping a safe distance from others on the street or while shopping (some grocery stores, like Mariposa Food Co-op, have begun limiting the number of shoppers inside the store at one time).

Here’s what’s happening elsewhere in the neighborhood, according to one West Philly Local reader: 

“I went out to CVS yesterday and was shocked at how the majority of people I encountered there and on the way to CVS are not practicing social distancing,” the reader whose name we’re not disclosing, wrote in an email.

“…Clark Park late afternoon was full of young folks congregating,” the reader adds.

A critical issue right now is slowing the spread, and no one is immune to the virus. In fact, younger adults make up a big portion of COVID-19-related hospitalizations in the U.S., according to an article by The New York Times.

So how long should the distance be between people?

“Staying at least six feet away from other people lessens your chances of catching COVID-19,” according to “Coronavirus, Social Distancing and Self Quarantine guidelines posted on the Johns Hopkins Medicine website.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Mimi Says:

    Folks, please be careful when walking the outer perimeter footpath in Woodland Cemetery. Many runners are not heeding social distancing guidelines… They come whizzing by, practically just a foot away. And thanks, West Philly Local, for being a fabulous community resource!

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