
Man in critical condition after daytime shooting near 49th and Baltimore

March 30, 2020

A 31-year-old man was shot multiple times Sunday afternoon in the Cedar Park neighborhood, according to police. The shooting happened shortly before 3 p.m. at 49th and Pentridge Streets. He was transported to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center by police and is currently listed in critical but stable condition, according to police.

So far no arrests have been made and no weapon was recovered.


13 Comments For This Post

  1. Naomi Says:

    Is crime actually increasing or is it that I’m just more aware of it because of the Citizens app?

  2. welcome to WP Says:

    Nothing new here, just more white people noticing it these days cuz you all moved into west and now you wanna complain about safety for your fam

  3. Naomi Says:

    I hear what you’re saying. There definitely is a media bias. For every
    white crime victim there are many more black victims that never got the time of day. I’m trying to not be a part of that BS. I’m looking for clear resources showing the trend over the last 20 years. I am asking “Have things changed recently (in the last month).” -or- “Has it always been here and I am only now seeing it”. I’m trying to educate myself. But I hear your anger. And you are very justified. The system IS rigged. But many of your white neighbors are here because they know the world is effed up and want to change it. We may make some big fumbles but, on the whole, white people in west Philly are here because we’re on your side. (And just fyi – I’ve lived here 21 years. And not in the catchment (i.e. not in the “nice area”). And I love West Philly, warts and all. So keep questioning and challenging. These conversations need to happen more.

  4. Proof on Comments Please? Says:

    It’s wack that people want to not only justify this, but also make it a white thing because is is being reported.

    Even after a day and even after major media outlets reported on this too.

  5. American Dream Says:

    Racial Capitalism is the water we’re swimming in. Gentrification affects all of us.

  6. Andrew Says:

    I’ve lived in cities my whole life. I’ve never seen a corpse or heard close gunshots. I see it on the news and know that it’s real, but it’s rare. We live in a city of more than a million people. Shit is going to happen. And we need effective public institutions to minimize it as much as possible. But the odds that you even notice it first hand are tiny, even if you live in a neighborhood where it happens more frequently. Fear and paranoia don’t help anything.

  7. West Philly Says:

    @ welcome to WP -Yes, we white people notice it cuz we all moved into the neighborhood and don’t think any people should live or die like this. It’s called values. Get some!

    @ American Dream – Usual nonsense. At least you’re free to move out of this racist, capitalist country or stay and remain irrelevant.

  8. American Dream Says:

    The Trump/Fox/Breitbart approach is a dead end. Quite literally, as should be clear by now. Acknowledging that Racial Capitalism and Gentrification have shaped our world in violent ways is a beginning point in the process of living ethical values and creating meaningful solutions.

  9. george Says:

    What do you expect when Krasner basically announces that crime is legal now?

    I never regretted a vote more than the one I cast for Krasner.

  10. george Says:

    Dems/Repugs = Good cop/Bad cop

  11. American Dream Says:

    Smoking a joint on the corner is decriminalized. Shooting or stabbing someone is not. If you think otherwise, please provide good evidence.

  12. george Says:

    In your dreams dude. Smoking a joint on the corner has never been an issue around here. Get your head out of you know where. I’m a revolutionary socialist, not a white liberal, and I nonetheless see very clearly that Krasner has made this a much more dangerous place to live.

  13. American Dream Says:

    Please provide good evidence.

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