
Interactive map tracks spread of COVID-19 in Philadelphia (updated)

April 2, 2020

42 Comments For This Post

  1. Maria Says:

    Why are they going to risk the kids life by opening the schools so early I think is not fair for them April is to soon

  2. American Dream Says:

    It’s not clear to me when they are even reopening Philly public schools online, much less in person. They’re not even saying that they’re going to distribute the laptops they bought till April 17th.

  3. S. Kearney Says:

    Why are people walking around in Mantua 19104 as if this pandemic is not here. It’s pathetic, that some people don’t care about others lives.

  4. Kendall Geiger Says:

    Well well well thanks to the stupid criminals from 1976 got Kendall Geiger running from people he will be the last man standing in the corona virus outbreak

  5. DiosaNegrita Says:

    Far, far too many in 19143 walking ’round as if everything is NORMAL. Groups of people congregating and/or laying out in Clark Park on sunny days.

  6. Heng Lim Says:

    Why City still allow to the Deli store still opening when you tell people’s stay home during COVID-19 spreading .

  7. American Dream Says:

    I claim no particular expertise in Epidemiology or Public Health but folks from this zip code need not panic, although we should be cautious, for sure. It seems difficult if not impossible at this point to explain why there are so many positive results for this area.

  8. george Says:

    Maybe because well-heeled liberals and students get priority when it comes to access to testing?

  9. george Says:

    And does anyone know why Fiesta Pizza is suddenly closed?

  10. GEORGE! Says:

    I can’t find a single zip code with a test positivity rate of over 25%?!? I’d like to think that we could be way more accurate than that. Typical buerocratic liberal wasting of resources!

  11. GEORGE! Says:

    The 75% of the tests wasted on the healthy could have helped the people with this disease!

  12. GEORGE! Says:

    There needs to be a way to confirm someone has the corona virus before we waste a test on them, we don’t have enough tests!

  13. American Dream Says:

    The Trump Administration deserves our wrath for this testing debacle. How many thousands of people will die needlessly? Never again!

  14. Ruth Says:

    Apparently the tests average 20% false negatives, so when you look at the number of people testing negative you can bet that a bunch of those actually have COVID-19. Also I believe you need to be showing symptoms to get tested? Are they taking temps before doing the tests? here’s something to read. Test sounds nasty, I doubt people are just getting it if they are not feeling sick.

  15. george Says:

    Dems deserve much more wrath for focusing on impeachment while Trump was warning people about COVID 19, and curbing travel from China (which was labeled racist), and for encouraging people to virtue signal by eating and partying in Chinatown as it was spreading.

  16. george Says:

    Btw “behavioral health facilities” is an Orwellian term referring to prisons for unhappy campers.

  17. American Dream Says:

    Pro-tip: Do not rely on Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Alex Jones or Donald Trump for scientifically accurate information.

  18. American Dream Says:

    Much less for political guidance!

  19. American Dream Says:

    Many have died who should have lived and we must not forget all this:

  20. george Says:

    AD you seem to be arguing with stereotypes you must be battling with in your head and projecting outward — rather than, say, thinking in dialectical terms based on objective reality. Politicians and other hustlers want you to think no further than who or what people or forces are “good” or “bad” (in your world “liberals” and “conservatives”) but a more complex analysis is required if your goal is not to score virtue points but actually change something. My impression anyway.

  21. American Dream Says:

    Please do school us on how specifically you apply your dialectical and materialist analysis onto Covid-19, the Trump Administration and the Democratic Party.

  22. goldenmonkey Says:

    Holy crap: you lost no time at all proving george’s point.


  23. Austin Kelley Says:

    The evidence is, um, clear: neither George nor golden monkey support President Body Bags…

  24. West Philly Says:

    American Dream never sees an issue without blaming Trump, gentrification, capitalism, etc.
    Now that Sanders is out socialists may need to move somewhere more in line with their ideology-Cuba or Venezuela come to mind.

  25. george Says:

    I’M a socialist WP, but I’m open to intelligent discussion. AD is a pontificating knee-jerk liberal who probably believes he is a “leftist.” People like this give true socialism a bad name. (So does Bernie unfortunately, though I respect him as a sincerely motivated person.)

    Trump is obviously problematic, but he is also a wrench in the works of corporate neoliberal totalitarians (a category which includes Dems AND Repugs). These are the real enemies.

    And yes, AD proved my point immediately. 🙂

  26. Bill H Says:

    “he is also a wrench in the works of corporate neoliberal totalitarians”

    You wanna give socialism a bad name, keep talking

  27. george Says:

    That’s what you seem to be mainly doing, talking. Would you care to coherently refute something I said? And would you care to explain why, if I’m wrong, the machines of BOTH supposedly “competing” parties are united against Trump?

    Seems like I’m touching some liberal nerves. Liberals don’t like it pointed out that they also support capitalism. I’m not expressing “support” for Trump, just exposing some contradictions among those who believe they are enlightened and qualified to pontificate.

  28. American Dream Says:

    Fight the Power, baby:

  29. Bill H Says:

    >>> “… the machines of BOTH supposedly ‘competing’ parties are united against Trump …”

    The GOP & movement conservatives are lockstep behind Trump in every way. The coalition hasn’t offered meaningful opposition to him since a few vague squawks during the GOP primaries. At every opportunity – Wisconsin’s elections being the latest – the movement has unified to expand Trump’s power and protect him from public scrutiny.

    You’re not gonna sell anybody on socialism when your opening gambit is, “Socialists know that the sky is green.”

  30. American Dream Says:

    If george is alluding to the supposed “Deep State” against Trump (bureaucrats and officials who are independent), he might support the fact that the pandemic task force of the Centers for Disease Control was pretty much disbanded in 2018. It has not since been restored- and now we have a big new refrigerator morgue in Philadelphia…

  31. george Says:

    Have I banned from posting? My comments no longer go through.

  32. george Says:

    OK I’ll try again.

    There is a grain of truth in Bill’s comment — the GOP establishment largely backs DT now because if they don’t they will be rendered irrelevant by the rank & file. But it’s still a competition between capitalists and imperialists. Trump is a novice at war crimes (i.e. the murder of Soleimani); for the Clintons it’s old hat.

    I tried to post something longer last night for over an hour which did not go through, so I’ll see what happens with this lest I waste more time.

    And AD — If you can’t articulate your own thoughts don’t bother posting links, I won’t be reading them.

  33. American Dream Says:

    George,I hope you’re not a tankie or something…

  34. george Says:

    OK maybe it was a glitch so I’ll continue:

    Looks like AD is drinking the Kool-Aid as they say. Lets see how necessary those refrigerated trucks turn out being, It seems that their main function nay be to terrorize people. After this there will likely be an effort to force-vaccinate people, which no doubt AD will support. They have been laying the groundwork for this for a while.

    And I’m not “alluding” to anything, if I have something to say I’ll say it directly. It would be interesting to see if AD is a self-described Democrat or whether he believes he is a revolutionary of some sort.

    As the old anarchist saying goes,”Don’t vote, it only encourages them.”

  35. American Dream Says:

    Are you an anti-vaxxer, george?

  36. george Says:

    You love those labels, don’t you AD? They do simplify things, or so it might seem. Are you by any chance studying to be a shrink?

  37. American Dream Says:

    Human lives are at stake- the most precious thing of all. Each of us operates according to our own best thinking and practices. We change if and when we’re ready. George, I think you’re in error but I wish you well.

  38. george Says:

    Comments not going through again.

  39. who is this george guy? Says:

    George, if you are a conservative there is no place for you here. Seriously. Not joking. You are not welcome in West Philly. I speak with the force of majority. Goodbye, you foolish little man.

    Above, you said
    “Dems deserve much more wrath for focusing on impeachment while Trump was warning people about COVID 19, and curbing travel from China (which was labeled racist), and for encouraging people to virtue signal by eating and partying in Chinatown as it was spreading.”

    I’m done with playing nice. George. Here it is: you, and the vast majority of conservatives, are beyond ridiculous. No need to read further than than comment above.

    Liberals who think there is some middle ground with these anti-intellectual monsters are deluding themselves. Just call them names and run them out of town. There is no quarter. They are not worth our time, much less pity.

    Conservatives are monsters to be shunned and labeled. The end.

  40. george Says:

    Comments still not going through. Democracy in action?

  41. Renee Says:

    @who is this george guy? Amen. There is no reasoning with the “anti-intellectual monsters”. I agree there is no place for these evil, soulless people in West Philadelphia. How anyone in their right mind can support a Republican agenda and the incompetence in the White House is beyond me. Trump has the body bags of Americans on his hands. The idiot says he has “total authority” yet accepts “no responsibility”. He sounds and acts like he has a major mental illness. This man is pathological and the “anti-intellectual monsters” are complicit.

  42. george Says:

    Too bad so-called “liberals” can’t distinguish between a “conservative” analysis and a revolutionary one.

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