
UCD seeking more input from local restaurants on their re-opening needs

May 20, 2020

Restaurant owners and operators are no doubt planning ahead while we wait for CDC guidelines and city and state guidance on re-opening. In the meantime, the University City District (UCD) wants to help restaurants prepare to re-open once they’re permitted to do so, and to hear from owners about their needs during the recovery.

UCD has been working with the Commerce Department and business improvement districts throughout the city to think through options for local restaurants. They’ve put together a survey to help get a better sense of the needs of restaurants so they can help them get operational as soon as possible. UCD is asking for restaurant operators to take a few moments to complete a short survey. The information provided will help UCD target efforts to aid the University City restaurant community.

They have already heard from some restaurants, but are encouraging many more to participate in the survey.

Too access the survey, click here. It only takes a few minutes to complete.

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