
Parks & Rec accepting volunteer applications for Playstreets summer feeding program

June 3, 2020

Philadelphia Parks & Recreation has extended the application deadline for their Playstreets program to Monday, June 15. Playstreets is the City’s free summer feeding program for children and Parks & Rec is accepting applications from residents who want to volunteer as block captains for this program.

Each summer, 300 to 350 city streets are closed temporarily to vehicular traffic to give children a safe place to gather, play, and eat a free, nutritious meal. The program has been running for more than 50 years and takes place in every neighborhood of the city. 

Playstreets will open on a rolling basis starting June 15, and run every weekday through the end of August.

For more information and to apply for the program, please click here.

There may be some changes to the program this summer due to COVID-19.

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