
Update on trash/recycling pickup delays

July 20, 2020

Due to a high volume of trash and recycling after the July 4th holiday, the tropical storm that hit our area on July 10 and the shortage of staff due to COVID-19, there have been lengthy delays in the collection, according to the Streets Department. The delays were up to four days last week, but the situation is expected to improve this week.

Over the weekend, the Streets Department brought in help from its Highways Division and other departments and has reduced the delays from 3 or 4 days to 1 or 2 days across the city, Streets Commissioner Carlton Williams said.

This week residents should still expect delays as crews continue to prioritize collecting materials not picked up from last week. Residents are asked to set their trash and recycling out one day later than their regularly scheduled day. Please note that recycling may take longer to collect as the city is prioritizing trash collection to mitigate public health risks. 

The Streets Department will also expand the operating hours of the Sanitation Convenience centers to 7 days a week beginning Monday. July 20 and is encouraging residents to bring their trash and recycling materials to a nearby center. This will help the Streets Department return to a normal collection schedule. Residents will need to show proof of residency to access the drop-off centers with either a driver’s license or a utility bill verifying their address. To find out the locations and operating hours of the Sanitation Convenience centers, click here.

The Streets Department is asking residents to refrain from placing additional 311 requests for missed trash or recycling collection unless their materials have not been picked up at least four days behind regular schedule, since the office has been “inundated” with calls related to trash and recycling collections.

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