
Woman shot several times on 46th Street El platform

August 6, 2020

A 33-year-old woman was shot several times on the 46th Street platform of the Market-Frankford line just after 3 p.m. on Wednesday.

The unidentified woman was taken to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center and her condition is “unknown,” according to police. She was shot several times in the stomach and once in the leg. No weapon was recovered and no arrests were made as of Thursday morning, police said.


21 Comments For This Post

  1. West Philly Says:

    How about some protests? Where’s BLM? The truth is that black people have much more to fear from black gunslingers than the police. It’s just that progressives aren’t interested in facts.

  2. centrist Says:

    Yeah, but that’s not much of a point.

    Authority is held to a higher standard. If authority doesn’t reflect a higher standard, people think that all of society is against them. That’s why BLM is focused on police violence and not B-O-B violence in general.

  3. A.D. Says:

    Upping the standard for social justice would do a lot to bring peace to the streets:

  4. West Philly Says:

    @ centrist Certainly people in authority are held to a higher standard or should be. Statistics show that the vast majority of police do their job. The few that are brutal should be removed. If BLM is focused on police violence then there’s not that much relative to how many police interactions take place. There’s much more violence toward the police than by the police. One only needs to read the BLM agenda to see that there is another agenda that has little to do with police violence. Any good BLM has done has been undone by their actions on the street. I have great sympathy for black lives that matter. I have little sympathy for the BLM movement.

  5. george Says:

    BLM is not monolithic, it varies from chapter to chapter, and is part organization/part slogan. So you can’t generalize.

  6. West Philly Says:

    @ george Sure, we can’t generalize because there are usually exceptions. But we can with the police when it’s a tiny fraction who are the problem.

  7. A.D. Says:

    Did M4BL overly generalize about Police? If so, how?

  8. West philly Bred Says:

    Praying for the female shot and her family. Gun violence is a problem in many cities. Gun control would help. BOB violence is the same as WOW violence, we see more publicized on every media platform showing minorities. Police brutality is just that, Black Lives Matter hierarchal agenda is letting he World know we Matter because we are Not Treated equally in equal situations. To bring to light that change is Necessary Now, changing policies to hold folks accountable who have been raised, exposed to or ideologies lean toward Anti Black, Racist, Prejudice exude micro-agressions, etc. Separately, there are groups which exist that protest against violence, Mothers against violence is one of many. Reminder: Every group cannot take on every issue. You either stand with us or are against us….

  9. West Philly Says:

    @West Philly Bred If you were interested in facts you’d know that systemic police brutality and systemic racism are myths advanced by leftist ideology on useful mostly white pawns who have hijacked BLM for their own agenda. There is police brutality against blacks and whites by individual police. It is not endemic to the system. No progress until people stop using race card, white or black supremacy card, white privilege or white fragility card, victim and oppression cards. No one gets to decide who I should stand for or against and I care little what they think or say. This is still the land of the free and home of the brave. Think for yourself.

  10. A.D. Says:

    @West Philly Have you ever been hurt by police?

  11. West Philly Says:

    @ A.D. Actually I have {although I’m not sure what it has to do with the price of tea in China). I grew up in North Philly and had my share of “encounters,” arrests, and incarceration on State Rd. Most of it was my fault due to law-breaking. I discovered that once I began living better, respecting others and their property, and stopped having a chip on my shoulder that I had less trouble with the law. Look, I’m not denying that there are bad apples to remove or the need for reform. I’m simply saying that if you look at statistics there is no evidence of systemic police brutality. The issue of police brutality pales in comparison with the problem on our streets in Philly where almost 100 mostly black children have been shot by mostly black criminals.

  12. A.D. Says:

    @West Philly- Do you enjoy the status of being considered a white person?

  13. West Philly Says:

    @ A.D. I was born white, poor, housing projects, etc. Not my choice. White is not my identity. Race is a sociological construct. There’s one race, the human race. Status of a “white person” makes me chuckle especially in Philly. As long as people see themselves as victims because of race, they will use identity ideology to lower others to raise themselves. I’m secure not in my whiteness but in my personhood. And I don’t have nearly the status, money, or influence of many people of color. There are inequities to address but America is one of the greatest places in the world for freedom and opportunity for all. If would be better for even more people with a hand up rather than handouts.

  14. A.D. Says:

    We are living in a time where media like Fox and Breitbart throw out tales of nefarious behavior by “BLM”, “Antifa”, George Soros, Bill Gates and other cartoon villains. It doesn’t make it all true just because their propaganda machine claims incredible things about them. BLM is more of a network than a monolith and fighting state violence and white supremacy is an honorable thing to do.

  15. george Says:

    No one’s forcing you to watch FOX AD. You can pick the news you prefer.

  16. A.D. Says:

    The inability to think beyond the individual and to institutional forces like White Supremacy and State Power is killing us. Falling down the rabbit hole in the sense of MAGA/White Nationalism/anti-Mask type nonsense is to hurt your neighbors, to fall into the Man’s divide-and-conquer strategies.

    So mentioning that Fox and Breitbart deceive in the service of reactionary ideologies is important for all of us.

  17. george Says:

    Pretty heady stuff. So the other corporate media are ok, it’s just FOX that’s the problem?

  18. A.D. Says:

    The Trump “rebellion” is as American as apple pie. Blame is directed away from where the money and power is actually concentrated and towards traditionally oppressed groups. The scapegoated are too many to name completely here but definitely include Black, Latinx, Muslim, immigrants, etc.

    Meanwhile, there is an ongoing crisis of leadership in the White House which has resulted in many, many needless deaths due to muddled thinking and action in response to Corona.

    Pennsylvania is very much of a battleground state and the only thing that makes sense here is to marshall all our available forces into voting Trump out of office. This will not be the end of struggle but will be a very important victory, just the same.

  19. george Says:

    It would be a change of figureheads at best.

  20. A.D. Says:

    Why is it that “Neither Right nor Left” so often ends up providing a big tent to cover the far Right? The bankruptcy of that sort of position should be obvious by now. All that ink spilled in demonizing the Clintons, Obama, Biden, Harris, in the service of a defacto pro-MAGA position…

  21. A.D. Says:

    Billy Penn has a map correlating poverty and shootings:

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