
Community, local leaders hold anti-fascist rally in Clark Park in response to planned far-right rally

September 20, 2020

Hundreds of residents gathered in Clark Park on Saturday to protest a rally planned in the park by far-right group “Proud Boys,” which never materialized. People held “Black Lives Matter,” “Fascists Go Home!” and other signs. Instead of confrontation, a peaceful pro-diversity rally ensued that included participation of local community leaders and West Philly-elected officials.

“These people came here to divide us, but look what they have done,” City Councilmember Jamie Gauthier said during the rally. 

“I’m so proud to see us standing together against these sad boys,” said State Rep. nominee Rick Krajewski.

13 Comments For This Post

  1. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Get ready for much more. Given that the presidential election is likely to be a hotly contested one, I doubt we have heard the last of the Proud Boys and their far right kin. Their alliance with the Trump cause is well known, as is their propensity for violence and intimidation in furtherance of their reactionary cause.

    To continue the struggle for collective liberation, we are going to need a lot of people in the streets. Prepare yourself, because these wannabe brownshirts are not going away without some serious effort. Philly can do it- we are fully capable- but it will take organizing like we haven’t done before, a serious serious effort. Now is the time to prepare.

  2. West Philly Says:

    @ Anti-Fascist. Looks like the violence has largely been from the leftist so-called anti-fascists. Study history. The fascists were the ones looting and burning and shutting down speech. If Antifa had its way, which it won’t, no one who disagrees would be safe from their cowardly hordes. I see them and BLM supporters accosting the elderly and women, never bikers or construction workers.

  3. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Donald Trump has clearly expressed his position that a loss on his part could only be the product of fraud. His attacks on the Post Office as well as the closing of polling places and other such interventions against a fair and functioning electoral system will serve to muddy the waters, which is surely his intention as it serves to justify any amount of bad behavior on his part. Now he is calling major cities “anarchist” areas, laying the groundwork for increasing levels of intervention.

    Besides his loyal federal forces (including CBP,ICE, the U.S. Marshals and Bureau of Prisons personnel), he can count on the Proud Boys along with Threepercenters and other militia types, as well various other right-wing fanatics to function as enforcers.

    Where people fight for racial justice, against state violence and the far right his position is clear. These next four months- and most especially the period from around Election Day to Inauguration looks to be an especially fraught and dangerous time.

    We may well have to take to the streets against authoritarianism and corruption as many other countries have done- and if that is the case Philly is capable of putting the Proud Boys and others of their ilk in their place. It’s sad that there are people here who actually LIKE those fools- and apologize for them.

  4. West Philly Says:

    @ Anti-Fascist You have surrendered to the fake news. If Trump loses, he is leaving. If he wins, the Left will riot in the streets. If Biden wins, the Right will riot in the streets like they did when Obama won twice. You remember that? Me neither. I don’t care one bit for the Proud Boys. What I do care about is free speech. At some point the Left will take to the streets and be met by the right. That would be tragic. It is interesting that protesters take to the streets only in cities run by spineless or mindless democrats. I lived near 52nd St. where the riots and looting took place. Who’s fault was that? It wasn’t the police. Yeh, keep taking to the streets and destroying the lives and livelihood of immigrants and minorities.

    The Left has never accepted the democratic election of Trump. They had already crowned Queen Hillary. Here’s the difference. I don’t like Biden or Trump much for that matter. I wouldn’t vote for Biden under any circumstances. But if he wins I won’t despair, seek a safe place, or need counseling. That’s how the system works. Every 4 years we get to elect our president. If Biden wins, he’s my president. If Trump wins, he’s my president. We have a generation of babies who grew up throwing tantrums and getting their way. They are spoiled, privileged, and have lots of free time to march around the city with their signs while normal people work for a living.

  5. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Warning: Trump and his Rioters can win using “The XII”

  6. Anti-Fascist Says:

    This is important: 10 Things You Need to Know to Stop a Coup

  7. John Says:

    Agreed! Especially Item No. 7: “Commit to actions that represent rule of law, stability, and nonviolence.” It feels good to be on the right side of things and glad that others are also waking up to being on the right side and not on the side of the ongoing coup!

  8. Anti-Fascist Says:

    No.6 is incredibly important:

    Convince people not to freeze or just go along.

    Imagine that at your job a corrupt boss gets fired and a new one is brought in. Instead of leaving, your old boss says, “I’m still in charge. Do what I say.” A bunch of your co-workers say, “We only take orders from the old boss.” At that point, doubt arises.

    That doubt is how coups succeed. Enough people freeze. Even when only a few people go along with the coup and act as though that’s normal, people may reluctantly accept it as inevitable.

    In all the research on preventing coups, there’s one common theme: people stop doing what the coup plotters tell them to do.

  9. Disgusted Says:

    I love how all of you privileged transplants never allow comments calling you all out to be posted on these and poke through the bubble of your echo chamber.

    Get over yourselves. You gentrified out “the people” and have the nerve to make your rich selves out to be them. Nobody wanted or asked for your entitled criminal BS.

  10. Anti-Fascist Says:

    The threat of a Trump coup is not about a struggle between fascism and democracy. As I’ve argued since 2015, while Trump promotes important elements of fascist politics, he is not himself a fascist and does not have the capacity to create a fascist state. Fascism, in my view, involves much more than repression or even full dictatorship.

  11. Disgusted Says:

    I fully support BLM and the original community and all Philly natives. Always. Philly causes belong to Philly people, not transplants.

    I don’t support you privileged gentrifying “antifascists” at all. Nobody should. You’re the reason so many can’t afford houses or even rent, among other things.

  12. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Philly needs to get out and vote, and do so as soon as possible. Given that Trump’s strategy may involve shutting down the vote count in process, getting our ballots in by early voting ASAP- for those who can- definitely is the best way to go. Pennsylvania really could decide this Election.

  13. Disgusted Says:

    Lol go back to the culdesac you grew up on, “Anti-Fascist”.

    All privileged far left kids are the least Philly thing ever. If you were actually FROM Philly or anywhere the least bit like it, you’d fight those “fascists” one on one away from witnesses or cameras and keep your mouth shut.

    The fact is as hard as you all talk and as much as you all talk like you’re about that violent life, you’ve never been about it.

    Rich hearing any of you tell others to vote also when it’s people like you who have made excuses for not voting for over a decade.

    What you are is a spoiled white gentrifier who will say and do absolutely anything to avoid owning your privilege like the overgrown child you are.

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