
Don’t submit a ‘naked’ ballot! And other voting tips and info …

September 23, 2020

Still haven’t figured out your plan to vote in November’s general election? Here’s some info that will help.

First, there are some important dates. Oct. 19 is the last day to register before the Nov. 3 election. Check your registration status here. There are a number of ways to register, including online, by mail and in person. This is a good place to start.

Once registered, you have two choices. You can vote in person on Nov. 3 at, likely, a reduced number of polling places. Or, you can vote right now – by mail. 

By mail

The best place to start for a mail-in ballot is the state’s VotesPA website here. You will need a driver’s license number or a state ID number or a Social Security number. There is also a paper application that can be submitted in person to the county Board of Elections. You can also pick up a ballot in person at room 142 in City Hall. If you have quesitons, it’s best just to go straight to the county Board of Elections by phone at (215) 686-3469.

One important tip: make sure you use both envelopes. Put your ballot in the “secrecy” envelope and then put that in the main addressed envelope. Jonathan Lai, the data and democracy reporter at The Philadelphia Inquirer, has created a really helpful video that explains the process of mail-in voting (and the urgency to do it asap) here. See also the tweet from 188th District State Rep. nominee Rick Krajewski below.

The secrecy envelope has been the subject of an intense fight. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled late last week that “naked ballots” – those not placed in the secrecy envelope can be rejected.

So, don’t leave your ballot naked!

Once submitted, you can track your ballot here (be patient, it might take a few days to be processed).

Here are some more dates … Your ballot has to be requested by Oct. 27 if you’re getting it by mail. The ballot must be postmarked by Nov. 3. You can also drop it off in person at several locations on Nov. 3 until 8 p.m.

In person

If all of this is just too confusing, voting in person will still be an option. The trick here is to make sure you get to the right polling place, as it may (because of COVID) be different than where you regularly vote or where it tells you to vote on your registration. Pay particular attention to your ward and precinct. You can find those here (though, again, this might not be your polling place).

You can find rolling updates on polling place locations at the Philadelphia City Commissioners website here and we will be providing frequent updates on polling locations as Nov. 3 approaches.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Given the concerns about shenanigans on Election Day when some votes may be still uncounted, it will be helpful to have our votes tallied asap, so that outcomes are as clear as possible:

    Philly to open 17 one-stop shops to make early voting easy and safe
    At the satellite offices, you’ll be able to register, request a ballot, fill it out and securely return it all in one visit:

  2. Anti-Fascist Says:

    Early voting starts tomorrow at 7 locations in Philly. !2 more locations should be rolling out soon. No matter what- whether voting early, by mail and/or on election day, don’t forget your condom:

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