
Voter registration ends Monday, Oct. 19; Councilmember Gauthier offers delivery of mail-in ballot applications, voter registration forms

October 14, 2020

The last day to register to vote in the Nov. 3 general election in Pennsylvania is Monday, Oct. 19. If you’re eligible to vote, but haven’t registered yet, check out these four options. City Councilmember Jamie Gauthier’s team is also offering delivery of voter registration forms and mail-in ballot applications to 3rd District residents (West and Southwest Philadelphia).

To request an application, residents can call her office at 215-686-0460 or fill out this form

If you are registered to vote in the upcoming election and would like to apply for a mail-in ballot please make sure to do so by October 27th (deadline). Mail-in ballots can also be picked up and dropped off at any of the City’s satellite election offices. Go here for more information.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Anti-Fascist Says:

    More and more people are concerned that Trump is planning a coup or other unconstitutional power grab related to the Nov. 3 election. People are planning “preventive medicine” to protect the Constitution and a free and fair election. People are planning to protect these and to prepare for effective nonviolent opposition in case a coup or power grab is attempted. Find out more at: or:

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