
General election is tomorrow. Here’s what you need to know

November 2, 2020

It’s General Election Eve and here are a few things to keep in mind about the big day tomorrow.

Those who haven’t voted early can vote in person tomorrow. There are dozens of polling places around West Philadelphia; to find your polling place, go here. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Your ID is not required to vote unless you are voting for the first time or have recently moved. As long as you are in line by 8 p.m., you can vote.

Please note that these polling places are not for dropping off your mail or absentee ballot. You can still drop it off at one of the City’s Satellite Election offices created to help with mail-in voting (there are two offices in West Philly). You can also request a new mail ballot if yours hasn’t arrived yet, then fill it out and return it. These offices will stay open through Election Day. Their hours are 11:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., but they will accept dropped off ballots until 8 p.m. on Tuesday.

In terms of the candidates for the general election, voters in West Philly will, of course, be asked to vote for the next president. But there are also important state races for Attorney General, Auditor General and State Treasurer and the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

Four ballot questions will also appear on the ballot, including one that would add language to the City Charter to “call on police to end unconstitutional stop and frisk” stops.

Maybe the best way to prepare for voting in person is to have a look at a sample ballot based on where you live. You can do that at Ballotpedia here.

12 Comments For This Post

  1. West Philly Says:

    If Trump wins, riots now (not my president signs are ready), turmoil and Democrat obstructionism for 4 more years. If Biden wins, no riots and 4 years of chaos with Harris president and Biden figurehead since he can’t put two intelligent sentences together. Whoever wins, how about a little calm?

  2. No More Says:

    Trump is not operating in good faith. His complaints of “fraud” are built on scant evidence. He knows he needs only dogwhistle to his base and all the vigilantes, militias, hate groups and loonies will spring into action.

  3. No More Says:

    We will build power from below- up to and including strikes, if necessary. See you in the streets- beginning at City Hall tonight at 5!

  4. West Philly Says:

    @ No More Complaints of fraud should be investigated no matter if Trump or Biden makes them. With mail in ballots there is undoubtedly more opportunities for fraud. I voted for Trump. If he loses I won’t strike, despair, protest, whine, riot, or find a safe place. I’ll wait 4 years and let the American people get a taste of Biden. If he does well he’ll be reelected. If not he’s out. BTW, the riots and looting were not done by right-wing vigilantes but by leftist anarchists.

  5. No More Says:

    The right wing vigilantes and hate groups beat people up in various ways- and/or shoot them. If there is evidence of significant fraud it will certainly be investigated, as well it should be. Trump has been expressing for a long time now his belief (without clear evidence) that if he loses, it can only be through fraud. Those of us who do not want a Bonaparte/Mussolini will push back, beginning tonight at City Hall.

  6. No More Says:

    Trump has got nothing- nothing but vacuous bravado, narcissism, the crude posturing of a bully. I hope his followers really will accept his defeat and go home. He truly was the worst president, ever.

  7. West Philly Says:

    @ No More Trump’s character left much to be desired. Worst president ever? Doubtful if you look objectively at his administration’s accomplishments. Pre-Covid 19 economy, ISIS, criminal justice reform, Nobel Peace prize nominations (three countries have signed treaties with Israel), pulled US out of unfavorable international treaties, etc. Plus first president since Eisenhower to not lead America into a new war. I get it that people don’t like his arrogance, bullying, and he tweets far too much. But it took some bullying and bravado to get things done. Now we might have Sleepy Joe who with almost 5 decades in government has little to show. Plus when we consider character what should we make of Biden who has flipped-flopped on so many issues? After all these years he’s suddenly a covert to same-sex marriage mirage, denies science in thinking people can change genders, and believes killing babies in the womb is a form of family planning.

  8. No More Says:

    Trump is a mad dog. Whether spewing deranged conspiracy theories with no basis in reality, negating the basic science of Covid-19, pandering to hate groups and street fighters, or tweeting on the toilet at 3 am, he is nothing but a liability. His team’s disrespect for Philadelphia is just the icing on this poisonous cake.

  9. No More Says:

    Let those of us who didn’t drink the Kool-aid remember always the rejection of reason, the embrace of the openly racist and reactionary, the turn towards Autocracy and all the rest. It CAN happen here- and we must remain not only vigilant but active, challenging ourselves and others to do much, much better than we have before.

  10. george Says:

    Censorship check…

  11. george Says:

    Yep, still being censored. Hi AD!

  12. No More Says:

    Trump is saving white suburban women from Black rapists and drug dealers who want to take their Section 8 vouchers out to gated communities. He’s protecting our borders from “illegals” who have no claims whatsoever to this white man’s country.

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