
West Philly votes in 2020 General Election

November 4, 2020

The 2020 General Election voter turnout was high in the Philadelphia area, including in West Philly. Dozens of polling places were open in West Philadelphia for in-person voting and long lines were reported shortly after 7 a.m. on Tuesday at many voting locations in the area:

Lines considerably decreased by 9 a.m. and voting went quite smoothly. 

Here you can see just a few people in line to vote at Hair Vyce Studio on Baltimore Avenue around 9 a.m. on Tuesday:

Votes are still being counted in Philadelphia from mail and absentee ballots and it may take a few more days to know the final results. As of Wednesday morning, around 1 million ballots remain to be counted in Pennsylvania, according to CNN, with more than 200,000 ballots yet to be counted in Philadelphia.

Here’s the livestream of mail and absentee ballot vote counting in the city (at Pennsylvania Convention Center):

10 Comments For This Post

  1. Josh Says:

    More women elected to congress. Mail in voting is corrupt. Unsolicited ballots were mailed out. Love and spirit were at campaign rallies of Trump. More observers were needed to watch and observe ballot counting. Ballots were received after election day. They should not be counted.

  2. 72 Days Says:

    I troll downtown to the counting place
    Lots of voters to invalidate
    Trump is the drug and I need to score
    Threatening a coup- it’s so fun
    Cops love us and the beat goes on
    Mind sewn up tight, can’t shake free
    Trump is the drug, got a hook on me
    Oh oh catch that buzz
    Trump is the drug I’m thinking of…

  3. 70 Days Says:

    Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner told HuffPost that he was pleased that armed militias didn’t end up hanging out at polling places on Election Day, but said his office ended up getting a lot of calls from individuals who had been taken in by social media disinformation that was unmoored from reality.

    “We’re having a conversation with members of his base who believe that there is a satanic, pedophilic, sex ring running out of a pizza parlor,” Krasner said, referring to the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory that targeted a Washington, D.C., restaurant (and landed one conspiracy theorist in prison for firing a weapon in the restaurant). “I have trouble figuring out whether these people are actually part of an elaborate ‘Saturday Night Live’ routine, or if we should be terrified because they like AR-15s.”

  4. george Says:

    Wondering what sort of “disinformation” and from which “side,” or both.

  5. 69 Days Says:

    Election Task Force has zero evidence of ‘massive fraud’ because there is none. Maligning the excellent work of elections personnel, including
    Commish_Schmidt, is unacceptable though sadly familiar in Donald Trump’s upside down world where fiction is fact. So we are clear, Mr. Trump: The only “bad thing” that happened in Philadelphia’s election was that you lost, fair and square.

  6. 69 Days Says:

    Among the barrage of baseless or misrepresented claims of election shenanigans: that ballots were invalid, ripped, dumped, late, changed, magically found but also lost; that voters were undocumented, from out of state, using their maiden names to vote twice or dead; that the calls were rigged by both the machines and software used to count and report the votes and by the news organizations that called the race. And then there are the far-out claims made popular in QAnon communities, including one that “non-radioactive isotope watermarks” were the key to a military sting operation that would reveal how Democrats had won votes with counterfeit ballots. A video of a woman inspecting her ballot for such a watermark has been viewed 560,000 times on YouTube.

  7. 67 Days Says:

    Signs of finality piling up:

    – Biden 306, Trump 232 with all states called
    – Trump ends AZ lawsuit, abandons ‘voter fraud’ hotline, tells Geraldo he’ll do ‘the right thing
    – Trump law firm calls it quits
    – PA won’t do recount
    – MI judge rejects GOP lawsuit

  8. 64 Days Says:

    Honest Government Ad | Q:

  9. just mike Says:

    It is difficult to trust the process … why would they not allow observers? what were they trying to hide? and for someone to get more votes than obama or clinton while hiding in a basement, with minimal campaign ads or appearances… makes it look like he knew the fix was in, so why bother campaigning….

  10. 64 Days Says:

    Philly’s case is strong:

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