
More School District schools to re-open for in-person learning, including Lea, Powel schools

March 22, 2021

The School District of Philadelphia has announced that 22 additional schools will re-open for in-person next month. Students in grades preK-2 whose families have chosen the hybrid learning model, can return to the following schools beginning April 5:

Add B. Anderson School

William C. Bryant School

Laura H. Carnell School

Watson Comly School

Lewis Elkin School

Fox Chase School

John Hancock Demonstration School – Main Campus

Henry C. Lea School

Mastery Charter School at Cleveland (PreK)

Mastery Charter School at Wister (PreK)

Austin Meehan School

Thomas Mifflin School

Andrew J. Morrison School

Thomas G. Morton School

Samuel Powel School

Prince Hall School

James Rhoads School

George W. Sharswood School

Allen M. Stearne School

Bayard Taylor School

Laura W. Waring School

Martha Washington School

The Learning Model Selection Survey for PreK-2 families who initially chose the 100 percent digital learning model last fall closes tomorrow, March 23. Families newly selecting hybrid learning will be contacted by their child’s school later this week regarding next steps and will be scheduled to start hybrid learning the week of April 5.

PreK-2 students whose families do not complete the survey will remain in digital learning.

The District began re-opening school buildings for students on a rolling schedule on March 5, in agreement with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers.

Information on the District’s various layers of COVID safety in school buildings can be found at:

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