
School District announces final phase of Hybrid Learning Plan

April 12, 2021

The School District of Philadelphia has announced Phase III, the final phase of the Hybrid Learning Plan for the 2020-2021 school year, which provides an opportunity for in-person learning to students in grades six to nine and students with complex needs in grades 10-12. All other students in grades 10-12 will remain in 100 percent digital learning for the remainder of the school year.

Between Tuesday, April 20 and Tuesday, April 27, families of students in these groups can choose to participate in the hybrid model – two days of in-person learning and three days of digital learning – beginning the week of May 10. Phase III families will receive an email with instruction on how to sign up.

The District has also announced plans for outdoor high school graduation ceremonies, as long as COVID-19 conditions allow for safe school gatherings. The District will provide free caps and gowns to graduating members of the Class of 2021. Any student who may have already submitted fees for these items will be reimbursed.

Additionally, the District announced last week an expanded menu of in-person learning and enrichment programs this summer. Information on available programming can be found here.

For more information about Phase III of the Hybrid Learning Plan, high school graduations and other end-of-year celebrations, go here.

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