
More details on Spruce Hill Virtual May Fair this Saturday (you can check it out right now)

May 7, 2021

The 63rd Annual Spruce Hill May Fair is taking place virtually this year due to COVID restrictions. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun! The Spruce Hill Community Association volunteers have built a simulation of Clark Park (where the physical event usually takes place), which you can check out right away on GatherSpace. The real-time interactive portion of the event will take place on Saturday, May 8, 4-8 p.m. when you can chat, play and shop with your neighbors!

A large number of neighborhood artisans, vendors, and organizations have signed up to participate in the Virtual Fair, and new family friendly games and other features are being added every day.

Check out this downloadable navigation guide for step-by-step instructions on how to tour the Virtual Fair.

Also, check out a demonstration video below. Guests are invited and encouraged to visit the Virtual Fair any time (maximum capacity of 22 guests at a time) leading up to the LIVE portion of the event tomorrow from 4-8 p.m. when the maximum capacity will be increased.

More information about the Spruce Hill Community Association and their events can be found here.

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