
School District offering payments to parents who will drive their kids to school

September 17, 2021

Philadelphia public schoolchildren returned to schools for full-time in-person learning on Aug. 31, first time since March 2020. Since the beginning of the current academic year, the School District of Philadelphia has been experiencing a shortage of school bus drivers, according to a recent announcement by Superintendent Dr. William R. Hite. This problem, actually, has been reported nationwide.

To mitigate this problem, the School District has launched a pilot program (Parent Flat Rate Program) that will offer a monthly payment to families who will opt out of bus, van or cab assignment and will transport their kids to and from school. All eligible families who will choose to enroll in this program will be offered $300 per month ($3,000 for the school year).

Families can also enroll in a partial transportation program when they agree to transport their kids to school in the morning only. After school, the kids will be using the District’s bus, van or cab service. Those families who will enroll in this program will receive $150 per month ($1,500 for the school year).

Families who are interested in joining the program are invited to fill out this Google Form.

Please note that if your family joins this program you will not be able to opt out of it for the duration of the 2021-2022 school year.

More details can be found on the School District’s website.

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