
Two local non-profits seek volunteers to help improve kids’ literacy skills

October 29, 2021

Two local non-profit organizations are seeking volunteers to work with Philadelphia children on their reading and writing skills or to help with other tasks.

Mighty Writers, which has been focusing on providing food and literacy during the pandemic, is looking for volunteers who love writing and want to share that love with young people. Volunteers at Mighty Writers (over 400 every year!) are writers, playwrights, filmmakers, artists and business professionals. Volunteers all have three things in common: compassion, patience and a willingness to learn from the students.

Currently there are two ways to volunteer with Mighty Writers – by offering 1:1 writing attention to a child, or supporting the organization’s food and diaper distribution efforts.

Potential volunteers can apply by filling out this online application. Once the application is done the volunteer manager, Angela Gomez, will get in touch via email with the next steps in the clearance process. The clearance process is necessary when working with children. All additional information can be found online at

• The Philadelphia branch of AARP Foundation Experience Corps is looking for volunteers among adults age 50 and older who want to help children in their communities become better readers. The coronavirus pandemic has caused great disruptions in schools across the country, making programs like Experience Corps more vital than ever. Volunteers will be tutoring K-3 students who are struggling to read from 5 to 15 hours a week during the school year. All applicants will have to pass a criminal background check and a basic literacy screening and complete training.

Online information sessions for people interested in volunteering are being held every Wednesday. For more information and to register, click here or contact Lavonne Nichols, Community Engagement and Recruitment Specialist, at 267.592.4459 (email:

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