
Are you a caring neighbor? Penn Medicine hiring community health workers

April 7, 2022

IMPaCT, an evidence-based center at Penn Medicine that hires and trains trusted laypeople from local communities, is looking for Philadelphians who are interested in applying for the position of a Community Health Worker. If you have ever helped a family member or friend get health care services and feel passionate about changing things harming your community’s health, this may be the job for you!

Community health workers act as caring neighbors who help people address the social, medical and community problems that lead to poor health. Some of the key duties include:

• Meet with patients and conduct a needs assessment
• Help patients set and achieve their health goals
• Connect patients with community resources such as senior centers, homeless shelters, and food pantries
• Collaborate with a care team to make sure patients’ needs are met
• Help patients with organizing their records, making follow-up appointments, and filling prescriptions
• Advocate for the needs of people from your community

This is a full-time position, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Community health workers will work virtually and in-person.

For more information and to apply online, go here.

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