
It’s primary election day – here are some basics

May 17, 2022

Just a reminder that today is primary election day. We wanted to pass along a few things to keep in mind as you head to the polls, which are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. You are allowed to vote as long as you are in line by 8 p.m.

Pennsylvania conducts closed primaries, so you can only vote for candidates from the party for which you are registered. If you are registered Independent, sorry no primary candidates for you, but you can still vote on the four city ballot measures.

Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, U.S. Senate, state house and senate are on the ballot.

Here are the basics:

• Make sure you are registered to vote. Check that here.

Find your polling place.

• If you recently moved, it may be your first time at your polling place. If so, you will need to verify your address at the poll. Here is info on what you will need.

• Parts of West Philly have been redistricted, so you may be voting for a new state representative seat this time. If you were in District 190, which included parts of Cobbs Creek, Garden Court and Walnut Hill, you may now be in District 10. Pennsylvania State Senate District 8, represented by Anthony Williams, is now District 7, which has lobbed off much of Southwest Philadelphia. Click here and enter your address to see how the districts have been reconfigured.

• For information on individual candidates and the ballot initiatives, the non-partisan Committee Of 7o’s voter guide is a good place to start. The site allows you to create a ballot based on your address and explore info on the various candidates and questions.

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