
Does Clark Park need improvements? Complete community survey

June 30, 2022


Shakespeare in Clark Park

Friends of Clark Park (FCP), the non-profit organization that manages one of West Philly’s most popular public spaces, is already planning for the next year and currently seeking community input. FCP wants to know how and how often you use the park and whether you attend any events there among other things. Does the park need changes or improvements?

Clark Park hosts numerous events and sports activities throughout the year, such as Saturday Farmers Market, Uhuru Flea Market, Spruce Hill May Fair, Shakespeare in Clark Park, Youth Soccer League, Movies in Clark Park, Party in the Park, Woodland Avenue Reunion, and more. In recent years, even more events have launched at the park, such as cinéSPEAK’s outdoor independent film festival, Under the Stars at Clark Park.

Community members are invited to complete a short online survey (click here). The results of the survey will help the Friends of Clark Park to plan how to best utilize the park the space in the upcoming year.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Strong Foru Says:

    Survey completed.

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