
Cedar Park youth receive CPN Gary Bronson Memorial Scholarship (video)

July 25, 2022

On Friday, July 22, a group of local youth enrolled in higher education institutions, received Cedar Park Neighbors (CPN) Gary Bronson Memorial scholarships. The awards were presented during intermission at the Jazz in Cedar Park concert. Darryl Bundrige introduced the scholars.

Scholarships are provided by the Gary Bronson Memorial Scholarship Fund, which is named in honor of the visionary Cedar Park resident who founded the CPN Scholarship Committee in 1988. The awards have been given for 33 years to young adults living in Cedar Park who are committed to pursuing higher education. This was the first in-person award ceremony since 2019.

Here’s a video of the ceremony taken by Patrick DiGiacomo:

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Strong Foru Says:

    This is awesome!

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