
Last-minute election stuff: check your registration, polling place etc.

November 7, 2022

It’s General Election Eve and here are a few logistical things to keep in mind about the big day tomorrow.

Those who haven’t voted early, there are dozens of polling places around West Philadelphia; to find your polling place, go here. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. An ID is not required to vote unless you are voting for the first time or have recently moved. As long as you are in line by 8 p.m., you can vote.

Check your voter registration status here.

If you still plan to vote by mail, you can. Just drop off your ballot at one of the mail-in voting centers until 8 p.m. tomorrow. Here’s the info for that. Keep in mind that it’s too late to apply for a mail-in ballot and please note that polling places are not for dropping off your mail or absentee ballot.

While most of the attention this cycle has focused on the U.S. Senate and Governor’s races, there are local offices on the ballot tomorrow as well.

These include city council seats that are now vacant because the holder has resigned to run for mayor. These include two at-large seats.

The Philadelphia Citizen has a great run-down on the candidates for the two at-large seats here.

Maybe the best way to prepare for voting in person is to have a look at a sample ballot based on where you live. You can do that at Ballotpedia here.

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