
Community input sought for Clark Park master plan

November 14, 2022

Friends of Clark Park, a volunteer-run organization, is working on a new master plan for the popular West Philly park, known for its farmers and flea markets, outdoor theater productions and film screenings, music festivals, sports and recreation programs, and many other community events. The plan, which is expected to be completed next year, “will set the vision for future park development and investment plans,” according to Ari Kessler, Friends of Clark Park Communications Committee Chair and Board Director.

Studio Bryan Hanes, a Philadelphia landscape architecture firm, has been selected by the Friends as a partner in the planning process. As part of this process, the partners are looking for community input. Community members have a chance to provide their feedback at a meeting hosted by SBH at Clark Park Farmers Market (43rd and Baltimore) on Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. See the flier below for more details.

Interested individuals are also invited to participate in an online survey, which asks about how you utilize the park and what changes you would like to see. The survey can be accessed here.

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Strong Foru Says:

    Make sure to protect the park from the impending gentrification from the condos under construction on Baltimore Ave. Those people will call the police, limit the food markets, and shut down the film festivals, concerts et al if they have their way. Beware!!!

  2. Ronald Reagan Says:

    “Those” people?

    Leave the dog whistles to me, please

  3. glenn Says:

    A 4 hour “public meeting?” When an organization calls a dog and pony show, a “public meeting,” should they be trusted? People should familiarize themselves with the history of enclosure laws. UCD/FOCP did this survey and master plan 20 years ago and it led to city wide changes to park rules and new rental fees. Look at the west side of city hall or one of the center city district parks closed off for corporate parties to see their master vision. The “master plan” is all parks must be shopping centers for lonely atomized consumers or fenced off for corporate events. People were asked for their “wishlist” many years ago.

  4. Myhobohubbie Says:

    We would like to open up a dialogue on this issue hosted by Myhobohubbie, which is me. No, I am not married to myself. My husband is a hobo of sorts but I am not, but anyways I am talking now about me, Myhobohubbie. Again, to clarify, by that I mean myself, not my actual husband who is a bit of a hobo of sorts. We would like to open up an informative dialogue on this issue.

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