
See neighborhoods and schedule for Phase 3 of Mechanical Street Cleaning

April 3, 2023

Street sweepers will be back in West and Southwest Philly, cleaning from Monday through Thursday, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., with no service performed on City-observed holidays.

Here are the areas where the Mechanical Street Cleaning will be performed:

• Parkside Ave. to Spring Garden St. from 52nd to 40th (map)
• Woodland Ave. to Kingsessing Ave. from 49th to Cemetery (map)

Residents in these areas should watch out for “No Parking” signs and move their vehicles during cleaning times.

The Streets Department selects neighborhoods eligible for mechanical street cleaning based on the Litter Index, a survey that reports the highest concentration of litter in the city.

Phase 3 of the City’s mechanical street cleaning program will run from April 3 through November 3, 2023. For more information, go here.

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