
New Apple TV show filming continues, expands to other West Philly neighborhoods (updated)

April 13, 2023

UPDATE (4/13/2023): Here’s a short update on the new Apple TV show, Catamount, filming in Philadelphia, including some West Philly neighborhoods. The show was filmed in Clark Park this past Tuesday, according to Amy Johnson, the unit publicist for the show. The next episode starts filming on Monday, April 17, and filming is not expected to take place in West Philly at this time. Overall, filming of Catamount is expected to continue through May 4, 2023.

(4/3/2023): Filming of a new Apple TV show, Catamount, continues in West Philly, and has expanded to new locations. This Tuesday, the filming crew will be working on Pine Street, from 48th to 51st. “No Parking” signs were posted over the weekend along the street, and cars were being towed today from these blocks in preparation for filming, which is expected to take place up until 11 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4.

Filming predominantly took place in the area of 44th/45th and Spruce since February, but is expected to expand as far west as 57th and Market. We’ll post more details when they are available.

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