
Community input sought on preferred retail options in Spruce Hill

April 19, 2023

Spruce Hill map / SHCA website.

Spruce Hill residents can have some input in what types of businesses may operate in the neighborhood in the near future. The Safe Streets and Commercial Corridors Committee of the Spruce Hill Community Association’s (SHCA) Board is seeking community input (those who live or/and work there) on preferred retail options in the neighborhood through an online Retail Preference Survey that can be accessed via this link.

The overall goal is to not only attract more businesses to invest in the neighborhood, which is located between 38th and 46th streets and between Market and Woodland, but to attract the type of businesses that the community wants in the neighborhood. SHCA is seeking to get as much data as possible from all segments of the community, so please share this survey with your friends and neighbors.

For more information about SHCA, visit their website.

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