
Lee’s Deli reopens after November U-Haul van crash

May 19, 2023

Here’s some great news for Lee’s Deli fans and supporters. The popular Baltimore Avenue business, located at the corner of 47th and Baltimore, has quietly reopened, with a short Instagram post: “I’m Back.” (see below). The store was closed for several months after a U-Haul van crashed right through the front door in November, causing substantial damage.

The caption to the post, published yesterday, reads:

“Open Tuesdays – Saturdays 10am – 7pm on DoorDash, on phone, and in person. We love you. We thank you. City of Brotherly Love.”

Lee’s Deli owners and staff worked hard for several months to fix the extensive damage caused by the crash and to reopen the store as soon as possible. A GoFundMe campaign was launched in the weeks following the accident, and the community support was overwhelming with over $42,000 raised.

“First and foremost, we have been overwhelmed by your thoughts, prayers, and support over the past few months since the accident, and we are so appreciative of the care and compassion from our community,” reads an earlier Instagram post by Lee’s owners.

Lee’s Deli opened at 47th and Baltimore in 1993, so this year, the business is celebrating its 30th anniversary.

For more info, visit their Facebook page.

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