
Fun-A-Day community art project celebrates 20th anniversary, welcomes new participants

December 29, 2023

The annual community art project, Fun-A-Day, is celebrating its 20th anniversary next month and inviting community members to participate in the 2024 project and art show.

Community members are encouraged to pick a creative project or activity to do every day during the month of January, then display their work in a big group art show at Studio 34 Yoga in February!

“You can do anything! Draw a picture, take a photo, sing a song, bake a cake, write a novel – come up with a daily creative practice and HAVE FUN!” reads the project description.

The Fun-A-Day project and art show is free, non-juried, non-commercial, and all-ages. All skill levels and mediums are welcome.

The project starts on January 1, 2024. The Fun-A-Day Community Art Show will take place on Friday, Feb. 9 and Saturday, Feb. 10 at Studio 34 Yoga (4522 Baltimore Ave).

Fun-A-Day was started by a group of artists known as the Artclash Collective in West Philadelphia and has spread to other cities throughout the world!

For more details and to sign up, visit

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