
West Philly cat rescue, Project MEOW, seeking foster homes as cold weather hits

January 18, 2024

Project MEOW Facebook photo.

Project MEOW, the West Philly-based cat rescue organization, is in urgent need of foster homes after rescuing many cats, some of them injured, this winter. It is very important to pick up as many homeless cats as possible off the street during freezing conditions, but the number of animals they can save is limited and depends on the availability of fosters.

If you are interested in signing up as a foster for Project MEOW, please email:

Cat adoptions are also available. The organization also helps keep local stray/community cat colonies under control by using TNR (trap-neuter-return) practices. Here are some Project MEOW stats from last year:

Cats adopted: 676

Cats in foster care: 205

Cats spayed/neutered: 981

Colony cats helped: 165

To learn more about Project MEOW, visit their website or Facebook page.

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