
Fran Byers, community organizer and Friends of Clark Park founding member, passes away

March 1, 2024


Fran Byers at a Clark Park re-opening event in 2012 (Archive Photo – West Philly Local).

We are sad to report that long-term Spruce Hill resident and community organizer, Fran Byers, 83, passed away this week. During almost all of her life in Spruce Hill, Fran was involved with local community organizations and neighborhood groups. She was a founding member of Friends of Clark Park.

“Fran… lived one block away from the park, and was an active member in many neighborhood groups, but her dedication to Clark Park knew no bounds,” reads a post dedicated to Fran’s passing on the Friends of Clark Park website.

“Fran had served as president many times and was still active at the time of her death. A threat to remove the internationally famous Dickens statue from removal triggered the original drive by Fran and fellow activists to create Friends of Clark Park; decades later, she still proudly served the cake at Dickens Birthday Party.”

For years, Fran headed many activities at Clark Park, like Bark in the Park, the Veterans Day celebration and Christmas caroling. She was also involved with St. Francis De Sales Church and the Calvary Center.

“We have all benefited greatly from Fran’s love for our park, and we dedicated a bench in her name at the Gettysburg Stone several years ago to show our appreciation,” the Friends of Clark post continues. “We will miss her – and tend the park with love in her honor.”

The funeral will take place at St. Francis De Sales Church, 4625 Springfield Ave., on Thursday, March 7, 6:30 p.m. Burial is on Friday, March 8, 1 p.m., at Holy Cross Cemetery, 626 Baily Road, Yeadon.

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Wayne Fleishman Says:

    Sorry to see Fran leave us. She was always friendly and happy.

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