
Celebrating Jazz and West Philadelphia: HopePHL delivers live music to Lancaster Avenue this Friday, July 12 (Sponsored post)

July 9, 2024

The Lancaster Avenue Jazz & Arts Festival is keeping live music alive with a series of four pop-up events presented by HopePHL and partners leading up to the Festival later this month! HopePHL’s team will be at 4017 Lancaster Avenue on Friday, July 12 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The event will feature a jazz performance by Justin Bowden. Everyone is welcome to listen and tap their feet to the music during the two-hour performance, curated by Leo Gadson at the Producer’s Guild of Philadelphia.

All are welcome to celebrate summer and jazz music – deeply rooted in West Philadelphia’s music scene –  at this free event, while talking to neighbors and making new friends. Other pop-up events this season featured performances by The Brent White Band, Wayne Smith Jr. Quartet, and Mervin Toussaint Quartet (pictured).

The Community pop-up series precedes the Lancaster Avenue Jazz  & Arts Festival on Saturday, July 20 from 12 p.m.-7 p.m. at Saunders Park Greene, 39th & Powelton Avenue. The Lancaster Avenue Jazz & Arts Festival has been nominated for Metro Philly’s Best Annual Event/Festival and HopePHL has been nominated in the Best Not For Profit category.

You can vote once a day until August 9th. Vote daily in each category and share!

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