
Reactivation of former Greensgrow West planned: Call for ideas

July 24, 2024

Former Greensgrow West site at 5123-5129 Baltimore Ave. (Archived photo)

For many years, 5123-5129 Baltimore Avenue operated as Greensgrow West – the West Philly hub of a nonprofit organization with the mission of growing fresh produce and making nutrition accessible to all Philadelphians, regardless of income. Due to unexpected financial challenges, Greensgrow closed in 2022.

Councilmember Jamie Gauthier’s office is soliciting ideas for acquiring and reactivating 5123-29 Baltimore Avenue through an Open Call for Ideas process. They have been researching ways to maintain the space for community use, particularly by a non-profit organization as a garden, open space, recreational area, or other community-centered ideas. This process will allow the Councilmember’s office to identify a non-profit organization with an innovative, feasible, and community-centered proposal for reactivating this property. They will then work with the selected application to complete the City’s land application process.

This “Call for Ideas” is intended to engage diverse community organizations, including those who may not otherwise participate in the City’s typical land disposition process, by providing additional support and collaboration with Councilmember Gauthier’s office. The applicant selected by the office will receive Councilmember Gauthier’s support for a lease or acquisition of the property at a discounted rate and assistance from office staff in navigating the application process.

Ideas can be submitted via the QR code in this flyer:

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