
New separated bike lane, traffic lights and more: Woodland Avenue improvement project underway between VA Drwy and Chester Ave

September 20, 2024

A bicyclist riding along Woodland Avenue while a new separated bike lane is under construction. (Photo by West Philly Local)

Streets Department crews have begun work on Woodland Avenue between the VA Medical Center Driveway and Chester Avenue, as part of the Woodland Avenue Complete Streets project which aims to improve safety for all users – drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists – between VA Driveway and 42nd Street.

Phase 1 of the project, which is expected to be completed this fall, includes the addition of a separated bike lane from VA Driveway to Chester Avenue along north and south curb and installation of traffic signals with crosswalks at Chester Avenue and 40th Street Portal/The Woodlands. To accommodate the addition of the bike lane, street parking in this section of Woodland has been removed.

The long-term plan (Phase 2) of the project includes the addition of a two-way raised bikeway on Woodland’s south side, next to the historic brick sidewalk (between Chester Ave. and 42nd St.), as well as the addition of new trees, landscaping, and street lighting along the whole corridor. This long-term plan is currently in design and expected to be finalized next fall, with construction beginning in 2027.

The project was announced in 2022 and involved community engagement in the design process. For more information, visit:

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