
Stop by and check out the progress at the Lea School playground on Saturday

October 16, 2015


The work begins in earnest at Lea School playground. (Photo courtesy of the West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools.)

You may have noticed the work underway at the Henry Lea School playground (47th and Spruce) over the last couple of weeks. This work is part of the Greening Lea Project, a multi-year, multi-project transformation of the outdoor environment of the school. In a testament to what grassroots, collaborative community work can do, this amazing transformation of the Lea playground comes as school budgets plummet.

Dozens of Lea students, families and neighbors along with donor volunteers will meet at the playground tomorrow at 10 a.m. to start planting in the playground’s rain gardens. Volunteers from the Philadelphia Orchard Project will also be there to plant in the landscaping bed along Spruce Street, according to the West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools.

The construction underway now will eventually include brick pavers, large shade trees and rain gardens. The basketball court will be rotated and repaved and new hoops will be installed.

Community contributions through the Greening Lea Naming Campaign and the Close the Gap Campaign have helped pay for about a quarter of the project, which will transform hundreds of square feet of asphalt into an important community gathering place.

Swing by tomorrow between 10:00 a.m. and 12 p.m. to have a look.

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