
Community organizations ask for clarity on future of ‘white elephant’ – 4601 Market St building

August 18, 2017

Former Provident Mutual Life Insurance building at 4601 Market St (archived photo).

Three West Philly neighborhood organizations have written to Mayor Jim Kenney to express their disappointment with the decision to pull the plan to move police headquarters to the old Provident Mutual Life Insurance Building at 4601 Market St, calling the decision “stunning.”

In May, the city canceled plans devised during the Nutter administration to relocate the police headquarters. Instead, it will reportedly move to the former Philadelphia Inquirer building at 400 N. Broad St. The city has spent about $50 million to purchase and renovate the 90-year-old Provident building.

The community associations of Garden Court, Spruce Hill and Walnut Hill neighborhoods also asked that the city continue to renovate the building and include the community in decisions about its future use. 

Click to enlarge.

“After years of planning, community engagement, and new investment, the vast majority of community members embraced the use of this ‘white elephant’ property and looked forward to the positive impact it would have on surrounding communities,” the letter reads. “And then it was gone – without any regard for community engagement, neighborhood revitalization, or prudent tax dollar spending. Our community deserves better.”

The letter goes on to ask the mayor and city officials for a public forum on “how we got where we are and where we can expect to go from here.”

Read the full letter here: 4601 Market St Project Letter_Mayor Kenney.


3 Comments For This Post

  1. GWater Says:

    Seems like 50 million would purchase a lot of education for our schools. Speaking of schools, the high school to housing rehab looks like a cash-pit too.

  2. John Clark Says:


    Are you saying that the renovation at former WPHS is a bu$t, a no go, not going to happen too?

    What about the vacant lot site across the street where an apartment complex burned to the ground several years ago? Rumor is City of Phila, and NYC owners, are aware of HZMAT on site.

    Owner of Record 4815 Walnut

  3. James Says:

    Offer the building to a credible developer who will find users for the building. I could imagine a medical complex affiliated with the University of Penn. With access to 46th Street El station, this will be a good transportation access for employees who will work at that building plus add to the supply of good homes in the neighborhood.

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