
Brotherly Love

Cedar Park meet and greet event Tuesday

October 3, 2011

neighborsCedar Park Neighbors is hosting a neighborhood Meet and Greet event tomorrow night at Aksum (4630 Baltimore Ave.). Don’t miss the opportunity to say hello to your neighbors and spend some nice time in their company while enjoying complimentary hors d’oeuvres served by Saba Tedla, Aksum owner and Cedar Park resident.

The meet and greet will begin at 6 p.m and go on until 8 p.m., unless, of course, you want to stay for dinner. To RSVP go to the event’s Facebook page.

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Community Cleanup at 53rd & Delancey on Saturday

September 29, 2011

We’d like to spread the word we received from Niesha Kennedy, a volunteer neighborhood cleanup coordinator with Philadelphia Community Corps/United Philly. Niesha is in charge of scouting locations and taking requests for and organizing cleanups from beginning to end.

Niesha’s first cleanup is scheduled for this Saturday, Oct. 1, at 53rd and Delancey (between Pine and Spruce), from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The block is small, with senior residents who want to help clean it. But more people are needed to make this work. All cleaning supplies will be provided. See the flyer below for more details of the cleanup.

West Philly Cleanup flyer

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Neighbor saves injured cat on flooded Lancaster Ave

September 9, 2011

Grasshopper the cat
“Grasshopper” after visiting the vet.

This touching story was forwarded to us by Debby Boyd of Project MEOW, a local cat rescue organization. This is what happened yesterday to Jadee, who adopted a cat from Project MEOW a few years ago:

“I was driving home on Lancaster Ave. in the rain when I saw this tiny furball limping his way across the busy street. He made it to the edge and got washed into a flooded gutter when I stopped (without pulling over) and jumped out (without closing my car door) and scooped him up. I laid him on my lap and drove to Baltimore Pet Shoppe to get some advice from Katie. She said that I should take the kitty to a vet right away cause it looked like a car might have hit him. I called Girard Vet to see if they’d take in an emergency appointment and thank goodness they did. They took X-Rays and said that his right thigh bone was split in two and he would need a cast.

I walked around North West Philly for hours waiting for him to finish up and decided to name him Grasshopper. I got back and found him in this huge, green cast. The poor little guy!”

Jadee needs help paying off Grasshopper’s $200 vet bill. You can donate money here. She is also looking for a good home for Grasshopper. To contact Jadee email: jadee.klinger [at]


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Fundraising yoga class in Clark Park July 30

July 19, 2011

Yoga teacher Emily Wishnick is organizing a donation Vinyasa Yoga class on Saturday, July 30, from 10-11:30 a.m. in Clark Park (near the playground). The class is to benefit Philly Community Wellness. Suggested donation is $7-15. See the flyer below for more details. To confirm your participation please visit the event’s Facebook page.

Yoga in Clark Park

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Walnut Hill Community Association turns 50, celebrates with Community Day

July 14, 2011

Walnut Hill Community Day Poster

This year Walnut Hill Community Association (WHCA) turns 50 and its annual Community Day will be a great way to mark the anniversary. All neighbors are invited to join the celebrations this Saturday, July 16, from 11:00 a.m. to 7 p.m., at 50th and Locust Streets. There will be live music, free food, moon bounce, raffles, and other fun stuff. See the poster for more details.

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“You Know You Live in West Philly If…”

July 12, 2011

Photo from the blog Philly City Makes a Girl Gritty.


West Philly-based writer Liz Spikol aims her formidable wit at her neighborhood today with a Jeff Foxworthy-like (“You might be a redneck if…”) piece on the Philadelphia Magazine blog The Philly Post entitled “You Know You Live In West Philly If…”

A couple of choice lines:

You know You Live in West Philly if…

“The local pickup joint is in the back of an Eritrean restaurant.”

“In addition to lottery tickets and rolling papers, the convenience store sells organic laundry detergent for $13 and special-orders grass-fed beef.”

“The kids at the local park forgo Tag and Cops and Robbers in favor of roleplaying games that involve foam weaponry.”

“The neighborhood thrift store owner says she ran out of bow ties because “all the females who date females buy them.”

“A casual conversation on a neighborhood Internet forum can get ugly very quickly if someone says something mean about cats.”

There are 18 in all. Check them out. And if you think of any others, drop us a comment below.

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