

Councilmember Gauthier to open 3rd district office in West Philly

February 3, 2023

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City Councilmember Jamie Gauthier will open a district office in West Philly on 52nd Street this spring.

Residents can visit the district office to receive help from the Councilmember’s constituent services team on City-related matters. The plans also include using the office as a space for community events.

The Councilmember’s team will continue to host satellite office hours before and after the district office officially opens. there is a satellite office meeting coming up on Wednesday, Feb. 15 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at The Eco Foundation (5411 Market St.). See the flyer for more details.

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Two well-known local orgs create new non-profit, HopePHL

January 27, 2023

Two long-time local groups, People’s Emergency Center (PEC) and Youth Service, Inc., announced their plan to integrate into one agency in November 2019 and officially began operating as a single organization, named HopePHL (pronounced “hopeful”), this month.

The merger marked the conclusion of a three-year integration process that blended staff, organizational culture and programs into a new comprehensive service organization for families, youth and children across Philadelphia. Together, they were recognized for 120 combined years of service excellence in 2022.

HopePHL’s mission is to inspire Philadelphia’s children, youth, families and communities to thrive by providing housing, advocacy, and trauma-responsive social services designed to promote equity, resilience, autonomy, and well-being. Continue Reading

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Several local organizations awarded grants for gun violence prevention

January 23, 2023

As gun violence in the city remained at record high levels last year for the third consecutive year, several local non-profit organizations have been awarded more than $9.5 million in state funding to help develop or sustain violence intervention and prevention programs. Among them are Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Drexel University, the University of Pennsylvania and YEAH Philly. The announcement was made by State Rep. Rick Krajewski’s office on January 19.

Here’s the full list of the grant recipient organizations and some details on their violence prevention/intervention programs.

Anti-Drug & Alcohol Crusaders Inc. was awarded $169,000 to provide evidence-based violence prevention education and positive alternative activities for students participating in their Safe Haven Out-of-School Time (OST) program located at Hardy Williams Elementary Mastery Charter School. The school is located in Southwest Philadelphia where violence/gun violence has increased. Funds will support salaries and benefits for personnel; program curricula, supplies, and materials; training on the evidence-based curricula; incentives and alternative activities such as dance, music, art therapy, drama, martial arts, and sports; field trips; celebrations; and indirect/administrative costs. Continue Reading

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MLK Day events and volunteer opportunities: job fair, marches, clean-ups and more

January 13, 2023

Many local organizations and groups are hosting MLK Day events and volunteer projects throughout the city on Monday, Jan. 16. Here’s a list of events and volunteer opportunities in West and Southwest Philadelphia (please feel free to add your event in the comments below). More events can be found on the Global Citizen website.

MLK Job Fair

Parks and Recreation District 8 and the 16th Police District are hosting an MLK Job Fair on Monday, Jan. 16, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Lucien E. Blackwell Center, 761 N. 47th St.

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Lancaster Avenue MLK DAY 2023 “Freedom Now Edition”

9 a.m.-5 p.m. at 4000 Lancaster Ave.

Mural Arts Philadelphia and Full Court Development are partnering to place the existing mural onto the facade of the new building, which would make it one of only a handful of lighted murals in Philadelphia. The mural was commissioned in 2010 to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King’s “Freedom Now Speech” which drew over 10K to 12k people to the site. In addition, there will be other events throughout the day at 40th and Lancaster, sponsored by local organizations. See the flyer for more details.

Day of Service at Hand 2 Hand Farm

11 a.m.-3 p.m. at 5317 Westminster Ave.

Hand 2 Hand Farm will be clearing debris, reconstructing stalls and fences, and tending livestock.

Day of Service at the Mantua Civic Association

8 a.m.-4 p.m. at 3543 Fairmount Ave.

The Mantua Civic Association will be cleaning, painting, greening, and plating in the morning. In the afternoon, they will host a fair with art, panels, resources, food, and giveaways. Continue Reading

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Share your vision of Clark Park at this week’s Master Plan Open House

December 12, 2022

The Friends of Clark Park continues working on the new master plan for the park, which includes gathering input from the community. All interested community members and groups have another chance to learn more about the plan and discuss in person their vision for the park, which stretches from Baltimore Ave. to Woodland Ave. from 43rd to 45th St. FCP will hold an Open House session on Thursday, Dec. 14 in Rosenberger Hall which is the Saint Joseph’s University (formerly USciences) building at the south end of Clark Park.

The event will provide an opportunity for an open discussion and interested community members can stop by the open house at any time between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m.

The first Clark Park Master Plan Open House took place at the Farmers’ Market on Nov. 19., and the results will inform this open house.

The goal of the master plan is to set the vision for future park development and investment plans. It is expected to be completed early next year.

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Donations, volunteers sought for annual Cedar Park Holiday Food Drive

December 8, 2022

The annual Cedar Park Neighbors Holiday Basket Drive has kicked off. CPN, in collaboration with area churches and other nonprofit organizations, will again prepare and distribute food baskets for neighbors in need during the holiday season.

A suggested donation is $45. This amount will help the organizers feed two families in their commitment to “neighbors helping neighbors.” In the year before the pandemic, CPN was able to raise enough money to reach over 200 local families (800 people total).

As always, volunteers are an integral part of this event. Help is needed on Saturday, Dec. 17, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Calvary Center for Culture and Community (48th and Baltimore), where the baskets will be packed and distributed. Please feel free to contact CPN at if you would like to volunteer or donate bulk items for the drive.

For more information and to submit your donation, go here.

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