

Check out Farm 51’s weekly produce stand, open every Thursday at 51st and Chester

June 26, 2013

Photo: Neal Santos /

Photo: Neal Santos /

If you’re looking to score locally-grown veggies to round out your grocery shopping this week, stop by Farm 51 this Thursday to purchase organic food goods—and support West Philly farming—from its weekly produce stand.

Opened in May, Farm 51’s farmstand operates every Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the educational urban farm and market’s site at 51st and Chester Streets. Currently, the farm will have its fresh, organically grown kale, collards, lettuces, herbs, carrots, radishes, flowers, beets, and eggs from its chickens available for sale, and will introduce honey from its bees, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, squash, melons and more, later in the season. The produce stand, in operation since the farm officially opened four years ago, will close in late October.

Farmstand costs, which are marked by bag and bunch, range from $1 to $6 in order to remain affordable for the farm’s immediate residents, said Philadelphia City Paper Staff Photographer/Associate Web Editor Neal Santos, who runs Farm 51 along with founder Andrew Olson. The farm only accepts cash at its stand but is working on equipping itself to also accept SNAP, Santos told West Philly Local.

Proceeds from the farmstand will go towards paying Farm 51’s junior gardeners, who staff the single farmstand, as well as supporting its garden and “all of its critters,” said Santos. In addition to the West Philly location, Farm 51 will also host a stand at Philadelphia’s Open Air Market at 23rd and Arch Streets, where it’ll sell its organic cut flowers and Santos’s photography.

“The plan is to consistently provide fresh, affordable and locally grown organic produce to our customers,” Santos told West Philly Local. Farm 51 plans on holding open farm days for guided tours in the near future. “We also hope to create more of a meeting and community space in the parts of the garden that are not growing space for pop up events.”

Annamarya Scaccia

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Mariposa now accepting youth memberships

June 24, 2013

foodNeighborhood grocery store Mariposa Food Co-op with over 1,500 local members began accepting youth member applications last week. If you or some of your family members are between ages 14 and 17, this is a great opportunity for you/them to become a member-owner of a community-run business and to learn about the cooperative economy. By becoming a Mariposa member, our young neighbors, just like adult members, can participating in decision-making about the co-op through voting, earn a 5 percent shopping discount and receive other member benefits.

Interested youth or parents/guardians are asked to stop by the store located at 49th and Baltimore Avenue to pick up a membership application. By the way, youth member equity is only $5. For more information please visit:


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Crime on the rise in UCD as warm weather sets in

June 21, 2013

crimeThere were 44 serious crimes committed within West Philadelphia’s University City District (UCD) boundaries (river to 50th Street, Market to Woodland) last month, which is the highest since last October. These crimes include 24 robberies  – 12 armed robberies (six in April) and 12 robberies with no weapon (eight in April). There was a slight decrease in residential burglaries though in comparison to April – from 17 to 13. The University City District reports that 12 related arrests have already been made.

While the new crime data provided by UCD in their monthly crime update distributed to email subscribers is somewhat worrying, the increase in criminal activity is typical for warmer months and usually subsides when the weather gets too hot in the summer and in colder months. It is always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings at all times and to use a Walking Escort in the area to accompany you late at night or when you feel unsafe. UCD reminds that you can call 215-898-9255 or 215-387-3942 between 10 a.m. – 3 a.m. and a UCD Ambassador will be dispatched.

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A garden center being proposed at 51st and Baltimore; 1st community discussion tonight

June 21, 2013


A garden center is being proposed at the southeast corner of 51st and Baltimore.

An empty lot at the southeast corner of 51st Street and Baltimore Avenue may soon host a garden center. To kick start the project residents are invited to provide their input at the first community discussion tonight. One of the main topics discussed at tonight’s meeting, which will take place at Seeds Gallery (5011 Baltimore Ave) beginning at 6:30 p.m., is how to structure the project (i.e. co-op or private business).

Seeds Gallery owner Saba Tedla will lead tonight’s discussion along with the land owner Ryan Spak and community members can learn more about and share their thoughts on the following issues:

– What is the proposed lease term for the space?
– Who are the stockholders of this project?
– What can University City District/Cedar Park Neighbors do to support this effort?
Private vs. public (co-op) structure garden center?
– Who has an interest to invest?
– What government /non-profit organizations can be involved with this project?

There is no more information available on the proposed garden center at this time as “things are just unfolding”, according to Tedla, and  many things will depend on the community input.

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West Philly screenwriter and actor Yao Nunoo nominated for Best Actor award

June 19, 2013

Credit: Brightnoon Pictures, LLC

Credit: Brightnoon Pictures, LLC

When Yao Nunoo first arrived in the United States from Ghana 16 years ago, the then 22-year-old African was building his life as a struggling immigrant artist.

He was a nomad in a strange land, passing through city after city before settling in West Philly in 2002. For 11 years, the now 37-year-old screenwriter/actor has thrived in his “home away from home,” blending into the motley crew of arts and culture alive west of the University of Pennsylvania. With a handful of small productions, a full-length feature, and acting credits under his belt, Nunoo has forged a name for himself in the community—one further elevated by his recent African Film Development Awards’ (AFDA) “Best African Actor in Diaspora” nomination for his role as Ghanaian National Police Inspector Boniface Koomsin in the Ghana-based thriller, The Destiny of Lesser Animals.

“It’s wonderful and flattering to be nominated,” said Nunoo. The AFDA take place June 29 in Tanzania. “The idea behind the African Film Consortium coming up with the AFDA is about contributions to the medium in Africa or about Africa that supports African development and progress. That focus makes the recognition doubly awesome.” Continue Reading

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Building ideas for 4224 Baltimore Ave. include underground parking and a lot more units

June 19, 2013

Baltimore Avenue

Architect Cecil Baker discusses a proposed building plan for 4224 Baltimore Avenue. The plan essentially divides the structure into two parts, with retail space (beginning near his hand) running along 43rd Street and Baltimore Ave.) that would include residential units above and a larger residential section with underground parking (behind his head).

Developers unveiled a couple of possible design plans on Tuesday for 4224 Baltimore Ave., the vacant plot of land across from Clark Park. A key remaining question is whether the building owners, who have the right to start building whenever they want, will go for one of the proposals.

About 50 community members attended the public meeting Tuesday night at the International House on Penn’s campus to offer input on building proposals that include underground parking, retail, possibly owner-occupied condos and one catch – more units. The land owners, Clarkmore Group LLC, currently have a “by right” permit to build a 92-unit residential building with no retail and only six parking spaces. They could start building tomorrow if they wanted to, with no community input. Instead the firm hired U3 Ventures, a development firm headed by former University of Pennsylvania executive and neighborhood resident Omar Blaik, to come up with alternative building plans and present them to the community.

The proposals unveiled on Tuesday included a residential and commercial structure divided into two sections. The first, closer to Clark Park near the southeast corner of 43rd and Baltimore would sit on an angle, opening the entrance to the park and allowing many of the existing trees on the property to be saved. This section would include some 8,000 square feet of retail on the first floor that would front both Baltimore Avenue and 43rd Street. Under one plan, this section would be five stories. Under another plan, just two stories.  Continue Reading

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