

Over 400 Christmas trees recycled in Clark Park; how to help UC Green

January 17, 2013

The annual Christmas tree recycling initiative by UC Green received a great response from the community this year. Residents brought more than 400 Christmas trees to Clark Park on January 5, the University City District reports. Residents also donated money to UC Green, which turned the collected trees into wood chips that will be used in the neighborhood’s community gardens. On the same day, eForce Compliance collected nearly 11,000 pounds of used electronics from local residents, which will also be recycled or disposed of in an environmentally-safe manner.

One of other ways to help UC Green, a local non-profit that works on community greening projects, is to buy their firewood, all local and all split by volunteers, currently available at Mariposa Food Co-op (49th & Baltimore).


Photo courtesy UCD.


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Download that app – Philly 311

January 11, 2013

philly311aAfter publication of our post “Dear City, Turn on the lights in Cedar Park” a number of readers commented about their experience with submitting maintenance requests via 311 phone, online or Twitter service. But if you own a smartphone, one reader, Andy L., recommended downloading the new Philly 311 mobile app. The app came out just a few months ago and works great.

“It lets you upload photos and gives you status updates until it’s done. I just started using it, and it’s working for me. For best response, try to pick the right category, like graffiti, or dumping, or problem with a vacant property, abandoned car, etc.,” Andy L. recommends.

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Block Leaders Workshop & Brunch this Saturday

January 10, 2013

On Saturday, Jan. 12, the Cedar Park Neighbors community association is holding a morning workshop where you can learn about basics of block organizing, block beautification and vacant lot management. It’s a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and to learn how to be more proactive on your blocks.

The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Calvary Center for Culture and Community (48th & Baltimore).

If you are interested in attending this event please contact Meg Ferrigno at: 267.241.7606;

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Transforming asphalt: Plan to be announced to make Lea’s schoolyards green

January 8, 2013

Lea Elementary

The new look for Lea Elementary schoolyards? Designers, community and school groups hope so.

That big slab of asphalt surrounding the Henry Lea School (47th and Locust) is an urban space designer’s dream. Tomorrow you can see what a team of designers came up with to turn the schoolyards of Lea into “vibrant, active, fun, ecological, educational, green schoolyard and community space.”

Collaborative Designers will present the “Greening Lea” plan tomorrow (Wednesday) from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the school’s auditorium (enter through the small playground off Locust Street.)

The result of the school’s participation in the Community Design Collaborative’s “Transforming Urban Schoolyard Design” workshop last year, the plan combines the efforts of school and community groups (including the West Philly Coalition of Neighborhood Schools), professional designers and public agencies.

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Garden Court residents invited to discuss neighborhood’s future

January 3, 2013

philadelphia2035As the Philadelphia City Planning Commission continues working on a new District Plan for West Philly neighborhoods as part of the Philadelphia 2035 plan, area community associations are asking residents to provide input on how they envision their neighborhood in the future. This Saturday (Jan. 5), Garden Court Community Association is holding a meeting for Garden Court residents (45th St. to 52nd St., Locust St. to Cedar Ave) where the University City Southwest 2035 plan will be reviewed. The meeting will be held from 12-2 p.m. at 4725 Chestnut (Community College of Philadelphia) and lunch will be served.

Here’s the GCCA announcement:

GCCA will be asking for residents’ input on the following two topics:

1. Five Redevelopment Areas for University City Southwest

The Philadelphia Planning Commission has identified five areas to target for redevelopment in University City Southwest:

40th Street Station Area
46th and Market Streets
Baltimore Avenue (west of 50th)
Woodland Avenue
Lower Schuylkill Development Site

2. Garden Court Neighborhood

As surrounding areas develop, what do residents hope will stay the same about Garden Court? Let GCCA know what features give the neighborhood its character and what you would like to preserve and what you would like to improve.

Please RSVP to GCCA Zoning Chair Mariya Khandros at:

FYI, the 2nd public meeting on the University Southwest District Plan will take place Wednesday, Jan. 23 at Kingsessing Recreation Center. More information is coming soon.

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An open letter to the community from Elena’s Soul owner Algernong Allen III

December 30, 2012

Elena's soul

Algernong Allen standing in the remains of the Elena’s Soul building. Photo by Danophonic Dan.

Editor’s note: Algernong sent us this letter in response to our request for comments on the future of Elena’s Soul. We’ve edited it to fit our format, but the words were not changed.

My thoughts, prayers, and deepest sympathies are with the employees, residents and owners, of business and property in the Cedar Park community detrimentally impacted by the fire at Elena’s Soul on Monday December 24th at about 1 p.m. My greatest consolation is that there was no loss of life, or injury.

The initial determination of the City’s Fire Marshal and my independent fire inspector indicates the fire originated in the kitchen somewhere above the refrigerators, most likely in the ceiling. Due to the temperature of the blaze, hot enough to melt metal, and the total decimation, the exact cause is not determinable. There were no fire violations at Elena’s Soul, and all City required inspections and maintenance of cooking equipment, fire alarm system,  fire suppression, hood cleaning and fire extinguishers were current.  Foul play is not suspected or indicated by any reports at this time.

The Department of Licenses and Inspections declared Elena’s 3-story brick structure unsafe and scheduled demolition. The neighboring businesses, Gary’s Nails and the Cedar Park Café, had suffered limited physical and structural damages as a result of the conflagration. However, during demolition, the towering brick walls were felled into the neighboring businesses, causing severe and extensive damages. Gary’s Nails may have been structurally compromised and may face condemnation.

I am more sorry for the misfortune caused to the wonderful women, who operate Gary’s Nails and their employees, than words can express.

For our customers, our friends, who have become our ever growing and changing family … Thank you! I know many felt Elena’s Soul (and LeRoy’s) was as much their place as it was mine. Community was built there. No matter the difference of culture, hue, orientation or outlook, our common desire to share fellowship though food, music and drink contributed to understanding and acceptance of our differences.

I have great sadness that your special place is gone, and our special place is lost.


“I have great sadness that your special place is gone, and our special place is lost.” (Photo from Elena’s Soul Facebook page)

For this, not only do I feel your pain, but I share it, and understand it.

It is too early to say what the next step is from here. The process of recovery is extremely complex. The realities of liability, insurance, litigation and debt make simple answers to simple questions difficult.

In terms of fundraising, I understand that many wish to find ways to help.  I would respectfully ask those who wish to help, not to press the issue.  I appreciate the sentiment, but do not wish to be the object of charity.

I am thankful to be a part of your community. I am thankful for the outpouring of support and sympathy. We have all lost a special place. May we all hold on to our good memories.

Best Regards,

Algernong Allen III

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