

What could be better? Good food, music and prizes while helping neighborhood students pay for college

April 3, 2015


Some past scholarship recipients (photo from Cedar Park Neighbors).


It’s that time of year again when all sorts of friends and neighbors gather together to eat good food, have fun, and raise college scholarship money for Cedar Park neighborhood kids.

This year’s annual Gary Bronson Memorial Scholarship Fund fundraiser will be held April 12 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the St. Francis de Sales Parish School auditorium (917 S. 47th St.).  The event will feature food and drink from local restaurants, including Gold Standard Cafe, Fu Wah, Aksum Cafe, and others. It will also feature live music from West Philly based singer-songwriter Gretchen Elise, kids activities and music from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; prizes from local West Philly artists; gourmet gift baskets; and gift certificates to West Philadelphia businesses.

Tickets are $40 and sponsorship packages are also available. Go to the Cedar Park Neighbors website here for tickets and more details.

This is one of our favorite events of the year and the money goes to support terrific young people. Since it began the scholarship fund has raised thousands of dollars and given out 149 scholarships to 71 young Cedar Park residents. Last year’s event raised $10,000 to provide scholarships for eight students.

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A history of Act Up, Tibetan art week and a bunch of other cool events coming soon

April 3, 2015

tibetansinPhiladelphiaA number of great art and art education events are happening this month in the area, including exhibitions by local artists and Tibetans in Philadelphia, independent film screenings, and a master class by a renowned cinematographer. We compiled a list of the venues hosting them and more details about these events. Please visit our Events page for more upcoming events.

Exhibition, film screenings and master class at Scribe Video Center (4212 Chestnut St, 3rd floor)

• Stop by Scribe Video Center to check out Landscape Renewal, an exhibition featuring the works of seven artists working in diverse media: Richard Watson, Ted McGhee, Jonathan Pinkett, Alvin K.Nurse, Amir Lyles, Asaake Denise Jones, and Jerry Puryear. The exhibit kicked off on Thursday, April 2 and will go on until April 29. The opening reception will be held on Monday, April 6, 6-9 p.m. More details are hereContinue Reading

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City to look closely at Baltimore Ave housing complex proposal; public invited

April 2, 2015


The large residential project proposed for the corner of 43rd and Baltimore across the street from Clark Park has cleared another hurdle and will now go through a series of reviews at the city level.

The Spruce Hill Community Association zoning committee, the Friends of Clark Park and the University City Historical Society have all approved the plan, according to a recent email announcement from the Spruce Hill Community Association’s zoning chair Barry Grossbach.

The 132-unit building at 4224 Baltimore Ave. would include a mix of condominiums and market-rate apartments. The plan also calls for first-floor commercial space, including a large restaurant.

Three project hearings have been scheduled for this month at the City government offices at 1515 Arch Street. All meetings are open to the general public. The community participation is encouraged, especially for the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, April 29.

Next week, on Tuesday, April 7, the Civic Design Review Committee will examine the project. Large development projects with over 100 dwelling units, like the proposed apartment building at 4224 Baltimore Ave, require a Civic Design Review. You can read more about this here.

Here are more details on the upcoming meetings at 1515 Arch Street:

Tuesday, April 7 – 1:00 p.m. – Civic Design Review Committee – Room 18-029

Tuesday, April 28 – 1:00-4:00 p.m. – Philadelphia City Planning Commission, 18-029

Wednesday, April 29 – 4:00 p.m. – ZBA (Zoning Board of Adjustment), ZBA Hearing room, 18-002

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Spring programming kicks off at The Porch

April 1, 2015


Photo courtesy University City District.

Spring programming began today at The Porch, the popular public space adjacent to the 30th Street Station. Starting today, there will be more food trucks and lunchtime entertainment, including live music, dancing and Free at Noon concerts. Here’s what will be happening at The Porch this month.

Gourmet Food Trucks (11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.)

Mondays: Say Cheese, BrazBQ
Tuesdays: Farm Truck, Sum Pig
Wednesdays: Taco Mondo, Whirly Pig
Thursdays: Spot Burger, Mac Mart (April 2, 9, 23), Phoebe’s BBQ (April 16, 30)
Fridays: Pitruco Pizza, Mucho Bueno

Lunch Entertainment

Tuesdays (12 – 1 p.m.): Accordion player Dan Nosheny.
Wednesdays (12:30 – 1:30 p.m.): David Falcone, fingerstyle acoustic guitarist and vocalist fusing Celtic, traditional and classical sounds.
Thursdays (12 – 1 p.m.): April 2 – Hoop dancing; April 9 – Bujee Magoo, stilt walking performers.  Continue Reading

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Annual Easter Egg Hunts return this weekend

March 31, 2015

egg huntEaster is approaching fast, and many parents and guardians are looking for information about Easter egg hunts in the area. Annual egg hunts at places like Clark Park, St. Mary’s Church, Walnut St West Library and more will be held again this year. Details are below. If you know of any other local Easter egg hunts not included in the list please email us at or post information in the comments section below.



10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Spring Egg Hunts at Walnut Street West Library (40th and Walnut)

Two egg hunts will be held behind the library: 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Spring Egg Hunt for preschoolers. 1-2:30 p.m. – Spring Egg Hunt for kids ages 6 and up. The event is sponsored by the Friends of Walnut St West Library.


11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Easter Egg Hunt at Clark Park (43rd and Chester)

Renewal Presbyterian Church is having its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Clark Park (next to the toddler playground) on Saturday, April 4. Families, friends and all neighbors are invited to join them for an egg hunt, crafts, and fun in the park! The egg hunt is for children ages 1-8 (please sign up at the beginning of the event). There will also be a raffle basket giveaway from local West Philly venues.

12:30 – 2 p.m.

Woodland Presbyterian Church Easter Egg Hunt (42nd and Pine)

1:00 p.m. – Registration
1:15 p.m. – Children 5 and under
1:30 p.m. – Children 6 and over

Free pretzels, crafts, children’s bibles, and treats.  Continue Reading

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The Woodlands reaches ambitious fundraising goal, plans Mansion reconstruction

March 27, 2015


Hamilton Mansion.

Great news for the historic Woodlands Cemetery and Mansion and all those who participated in their latest ambitious fundraising effort of raising $218,000 to restore the Hamilton Stable, the only remaining outbuilding from the 18th century.

“The Woodlands community contributed over $218,000 to restore the stable’s façade – which means you helped secure an extraordinary $612,000 challenge grant to restore the [Hamilton] Mansion from the William B. Dietrich Foundation,” reads a recent message by The Woodlands Executive Director Jessica Baumert. The McLean Contributionship, Connelly Foundation, and Wunsch Foundation also provided generous support of this project.


Photos courtesy of The Woodlands.

In a addition to the restoration of the Hamilton Mansion and Stable, the re-construction of the Cryptoporticus has resumed. The contractors have been numbering each brick before removing them from the sagging arch (pictured right). Then, the 18th century bricks will be put back in their original location using a mortar.

The Woodlands also announced some new and annual programs taking place this spring (the Woodlands is located at 40th and Woodland).

Sunday, April 12 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Your West Philadelphia House: How old is it? Who lived there?

Join The University City Historical Society at The Woodlands for a “how to” workshop, and learn to research the history of your own West Philadelphia house! Uncover your house’s story!Cost: Free to members of University City Historical Society or The Woodlands, $10 for non-members. Make your reservations hereContinue Reading

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