

Dock Street Brewery turns 4 today

August 22, 2011

Dock Street Brewery celebrates four-year anniversary

It is Dock Street Brewery & Restaurant’s 4th anniversary today and in honor of their birthday specially prepared Flemish Sour will be on tap. The festivities begin at 5 p.m. For more information go here.

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Monthly meeting with the police tomorrow

August 17, 2011

Neighbors are welcome to share their concerns about crime and other neighborhood issues at a community meeting with Lt. Brian McBride and Sgt. Ron Washington of the University City section of the 18th Police District. The meeting is scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. tomorrow, August 18, at the Calvary Center (48th and Baltimore Ave.).

Meetings with McBride are held on the third Thursday of each month from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the large classroom on the lower level.

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Street Movies! in Clark Park tomorrow

August 5, 2011

scribeStreet Movies!, a series of free outdoor short movie screenings and live performances organized by Scribe Video Center (4212 Chestnut St.), are happening this month in communities all around Philadelphia. The films, including animation, documentary, and experimental, focus on environmental justice, healthy foods, new immigrants and urban green spaces.

This Saturday, August 6, Street Movies! will be in West Philly. Four films will be screened in Clark Park’s Bowl (45th & Kingsessing) starting at 7:30 p.m. The film presentation is hosted by the Jubilee School and the Green Guerillas, who will power the screening with their biodiesel waste and vegetable oil-powered bus the “Grease Guzzler.”

Philly-based hip hop artist Alwatan Kwele, who is originally from Tanzania, will open the evening.

There will be another screening in West Philly hosted by Mill Creek Community Partnership on August 27. Stay tuned for more information about that event.

Here are synopses of the films (from the Scribe site):

The Future of Our History
by Jubilee School
K-6 students of Jubilee spend two years studying W.E.B. Du Bois, making a pilgrimage to Great Barrington, MA, where they visit the graves of Du Bois’ wife and young son. (2011, 15 min)

by Wanuri Kahiu
35 years after “The Water War” has ruined earth’s surface, a young woman defies the governing council of her indoor community, escapes to the outside to plant a growing seedling. (Kenya, 2009, 21 min). Philadelphia Premiere.

Green Grease Guzzlers
by Green Guerrillas Youth Media Tech Collective (in person)
A story about alternative and sustainable transportation, this excerpt showcases Green Guerrillas ona move, making their collective’s transportation more “eco-friendly” with the conversion of a 1990 Ford Econoline diesel bus into a lean and green biodiesel/waste veggie oil machine. (2010, 30 min). Philadelphia Premiere.

Save the Future
by Jenny Deller (in-person)
A young girl re-imagines her life as a PSA, blurring the lines between her family troubles and environmental catastrophe. Save the Future is a companion short to her feature “Future Weather” about global warming. The whole production was environmentally conscious. (2009, 3 min)

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Cedar Park to mark 100th Anniversary with Centennial Fair and Parade

August 4, 2011


This Saturday, August 6, Cedar Park (50th and Baltimore) is turning 100 years old and neighbors are invited to celebrate at the Centennial Fair.

There will be live music, vendors, children’s activities and even a parade. Here’s the full schedule of events and activities.

1 p.m. – Cedar Park Scholarship Presentation
1:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. – Children’s Activities including ring toss, potato sack race, moonbounce, face painting and games – 1:15-4:00 p.m.
2 p.m. to 4 p.m. – Terrarium Make and Take Activity – 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Noon – DJ Jamar starts
1:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. – Rosemary Fiki Band
1:50 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. – Gretchen Elise
2:40 p.m. to 3:20 p.m. – Independent Rock School

The parade will take place at 4:30-5 p.m. Neighbors (and pets) of all ages are welcome to strut their stuff. Drums, fancy hats and parade attire are highly recommended.

Lastly, the final Cedar Park jazz concert of the season will run from 6-8 p.m.

While at the fair don’t forget to pick up a copy of the Cedar Park Neighbors Anniversary Brochure which includes historical pictures and stories of the neighborhood through the years.


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Food justice conference hosting potluck dinner for community members Friday

July 28, 2011

Rooted in Community Conference bannerYouth from the University of Pennsylvania’s Agatston Urban Nutrition Initiative (AUNI) are hosting the 13th Annual “Rooted in Community” national food and justice conference this week, July 27-31. More than 100 young people from across the country have come to build a youth-led food justice movement.

The conference includes a community outreach event on Friday, July 29. Community members are invited for a potluck dinner from 6:30-8 p.m. at the University City High School garden (3601 Filbert St.). Attendees are expected to bring a dish to feed 20 people.

AUNI was created by Penn’s Netter Center for Community Partnerships and works to improve community nutrition and health through implementing a set of programs and activities in specified neighborhoods.


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The Rotunda hosting Black Women’s Arts Festival this week

July 26, 2011

Black Women's Arts Festival logoPhiladelphia’s 8th Annual Black Women’s Arts Festival (BWAF) is taking place this week, July 27-31, at several city venues, including West Philly’s The Rotunda (4014 Walnut Street), which will host a series of events starting Thursday, July 28. This year’s festival’s theme is Healing & Joy, celebrating the healing and creative arts.

On Thursday there will be a free clothing and book swap from noon to 5 p.m. Women are encouraged to bring gently worn clothing and books for others to take and enjoy.

On Friday and Saturday there will be day-long events with a wide range of scheduled music performances, workshops, lectures, presentations, fashion shows and exhibitions from noon to 11 p.m. (both days free until 8 p.m., with some exceptions).

Finally, on Sunday, July 31, there will be another all-day event starting at 11:00 a.m. with music and dance performances by a variety of artists. Highlights of this day include dance classes by Shandra Staley – modern dance class at 1 p.m. and African dance class at 3 p.m. ($8 in advance; $10 at the door), and stage performances by Zoe Flowers and O, at 6 and 7:05 p.m. respectively.

For more information about the schedule and participants visit the festival’s schedule of events page.


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