

Neighborhood Bike Works and theVillage partner to donate bikes to local foster kids

April 21, 2016


theVillageNBW6Many of you have heard about Neighborhood Bike Works, the West Philly non-profit that offers bike education programs to local youth. The organization recently partnered with theVillage’s foster care program to present 20 new bikes to local foster children (the bikes were donated by AmerisourceBergen).

NBW youth leaders also conducted a workshop with the group of children, ages 6 – 12 years, to teach them about bike safety, personal safety and basic rules of the road through a “Safety Rodeo” obstacle course. Each child left the workshop with a bicycle, helmet, bike lock, and the necessary safety skills to experience the joys of cycling– something they might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience as they transition through the foster care system on their path to find their “forever home.”  Continue Reading

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Powel School students to march against gun violence, raising funds

April 11, 2016

Samuel Powel Elementary School students and teachers are planning a series of marches against gun violence and are inviting the community to join them.

“4th graders at Powel School… have been studying Gun Violence in our neighborhoods and city this year. They have decided that they wanted to march through our communities to raise awareness about gun violence,” writes teacher Joe Alberti.

The 4th graders at Powel will be marching through Powelton and Mantua on Thursday, April 21 from 1-2 p.m.

They will be marching up 36th St. to Spring Garden, then up 35th St. to Aspen before walking down 37th St. and back to school, located at 301 N. 36th St. The children created fliers about the march to invite neighbors. Here’s one of them:  Continue Reading

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Join West Philly Babies every Tuesday at UCAL

April 4, 2016

A new playgroup has been recently formed in West Philly for kids ages 2 and under and their caregivers. West Philly Babies meets every Tuesday from 1:30-3 p.m. at the University City Arts League (UCAL) and invites more caregivers and their little ones to join them.

This group is an opportunity to socialize for both parents and young babies. “It’s a great chance to meet other local parents and caregivers of very young children in an easygoing space,” writes the group co-founder Alisha Nash. “Being a parent to a very young baby can be isolating, so I started the group along with another parent to build community with other parents in West Philly.”  Continue Reading

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Looking for Easter Egg Hunt? Here are some

March 23, 2016

Here’s some information on Easter egg hunts happening in the area this weekend. If you know of more egg hunts, please post information about them in the comments below.

Saturday, March 26

easteregghuntflierEaster Egg Hunt at Clark Park (43rd and Chester)

Easter Egg Hunt at Clark Park will take place from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Kids up to age 8 are invited. Along with the hunt, there will be some crafts and raffle prizes at the end. This year’s raffle prizes include: gift cards to Renata’s Kitchen, The Nesting House, Clarkville, VIX Emporium, and West Philly Foods. Be sure to get to the park (by the toddler playground) to register for the egg hunt. Registration will begin at 10:45 a.m. and will close promptly at 11:15 a.m. This annual event is organized by Renewal Presbyterian Church.

Spring Egg Hunt at Walnut Street West Library (40th and Walnut)

There will be two egg hunts: 10:30-11:30 a.m. for ages up to 6 and 12-1:30 p.m. for ages 7-12. Join the Friends of Walnut St West Library for snacks, stories, games and books to take home!  Continue Reading

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Learn about local preschools at West Philly Early Childhood Info Day this Saturday

March 18, 2016

On Saturday, March 19, parents and caregivers of preschool-age children are invited to meet representatives of about a dozen local early childhood education programs and learn more about available preschool and daycare options in the area. All at the same time and place! The West Philly Early Childhood Info Day is organized by a recently formed West Philly Early Childhood Consortium, and the following centers will participate in tomorrow’s event:

• Children’s Community School (1212 South 47th)
• The Little Green School House (219 South Melville)
• Little Learners (4630 Woodland)
• Dreamscape
• Past Your Bedtime Child Care (4946 Parkside, 2009 North 63rd)
• Little Pearls (1247 North 52nd)
• TIES Tots (4431 Walnut)
• Saint Mary’s Nursery School (3916 Locust Walk)
• Parent Infant Center (4205 Spruce)
• West Philadelphia Cooperative School (4625 Baltimore)

At this free event you can learn about local programs, ask questions one-on-one, and get info on choosing the right program for you. Also, feel free to bring your kids to this event – it will include a children’s book sale and free activities for your little ones.  Continue Reading

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Clark Park Youth Soccer returns April 2; Registration underway

March 17, 2016


Clark Park Youth Soccer coach Jean-Marie with one of his students, October 2015. (Photo courtesy of CPYSL)

A great and affordable local outdoor youth soccer program, Clark Park Youth Soccer League (CPYSL), will be back next month for its Spring 2016 season and is currently recruiting kids and volunteer coaches.

The spring season will start on Saturday, April 2 and end on May 21.

The program provides soccer instruction and intramural games for children ages 5-11 on Saturdays each spring and fall at Clark Park and emphasizes enjoying the game of soccer while learning soccer skills. Each 90-minute session includes both skills training and a game.

Children are assigned to teams by age:

– Mornings (10:30-Noon): ages 5 to 6.5 and ages 6.5 to 7
– Afternoons (Noon-1:30 pm): ages 8 to 9 and ages 10 to 11

Families can fill out an online application and submit their payment online at this link; register and pay by mail (download registration form here and mail it to CPYSL by March 28); or register in person at walk-in registration on April 2.

The all-volunteer-run program is also currently seeking volunteer coaches. If you like soccer and enjoy working with kids, email  Continue Reading

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