

Video: Transformer blows at 50th and Spruce, power back on

June 5, 2014

Power was out for many near 50th and Spruce this morning after a transformer blew and caught on fire. Firefighters switched off power in the area to extinguish the fire. A reader, Marino Pagan, sent in this short video of the fire shot across Barkan Park.

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Water main break on 4500 block of Larchwood

June 4, 2014

Water was gushing up from below the 4500 block of Larchwood Avenue following a water main break Wednesday afternoon. The block was closed to traffic as of 5 p.m.

main break 1

main break2


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Hoops Deli & Market at 42nd and Chester partially demolished (updated)

June 3, 2014

Update: City Paper is reporting that no one was injured in the collapse. The University of the Sciences owned the vacant building. Shafer Properties LLC is developing the parcel next door to build two six-bedroom residences, according to City Paper, and the Hoops building reportedly collapsed while work was being done on those properties. USP has reportedly been trying to sell the building and land, which will now likely be tied up in legal proceedings.

West Philly Local readers alerted us that a section of Hoops Deli and Market located at the corner of S. 42nd St and Chester Ave. was reportedly accidentally demolished during the construction being carried out next door. The incident happened on Sunday morning, according to readers. The city’s department of License and Inspection was on site Sunday afternoon after which the rest of the building started being torn down. This is what the building looked like on Monday evening.


Photo by Mike Lyons / West Philly Local.

We’re trying to get more information on what exactly went wrong. In December 2012 two business storefronts near 49th and Baltimore were heavily damaged during a poor demolition job of Elena’s Soul Lounge. One of the affected businesses, Cedar Park Cafe, reopened last summer and the other one, Gary’s Nails, is still working on its reopening.

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Food, real estate and more business updates

May 23, 2014

In an effort to keep the West Philly community up-to-date on happenings in the area, West Philly Local followed up on some projects we have followed over the last year. Here’s what we found so far:

TacoAngelenoGrandopeningFirst, for the most important update, Taco Angeleno is open for business! The outdoor taco joint, located at 5019 Baltimore Avenue, officially opened on Thursday, May 8 after months of delays and red tape. The grand opening party is this Friday (May 23), from 5 – 9 p.m. If Taco Angeleno’s Facebook page is any indication, it seems business is so far going well for owner Vanessa Jerolmack—even selling out of food her first weekend open. To satisfy those taco cravings, stop by Taco Angeleno from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday through Saturday.

In other local food related news, the guys from Pitruco Pizza, the popular wood fired pizza truck often seen on the Drexel campus, who are also serving their signature fare as Enjay’s Pizza at Smokey Joe’s on 40th St, recently started a delivery service out to 50th Street for a $2 charge. “A real nice service for the neighborhood,” writes West Philly Local reader and Pitruco/Enjay’s fan Louis Tannen.


Gush Gallery co-founders Sarah Thielke and Stephanie Slate (Photo courtesy of Thielke and Slate).

This summer, Taco Angeleno will have a new neighbor, Gush Gallery. The art gallery space, which West Philly Local profiled in January, will open Friday, Aug 1 at 5015 Baltimore Avenue, which is currently home to a local barber shop (owners Sarah Thielke and Stephanie Slate get the keys to the space on July 1). On opening day, which is also a First Friday event, the duo will premiere their first group exhibit, “Embark,” which will feature local artists. There’s a chance they may open a week earlier than the exhibit’s launch date, but don’t hold them to it.

SedgleyIn real estate news, it seems construction of the Sedgley Apartments (pictured right) will finally be finished by next week and available to rent in June, Noah Ostroff, principal at 400 S. 45th Street, LLC., told West Philly Local. This is different than what he told us in September; when asked about the six month difference, Ostroff said there weren’t any delays, but “construction took longer than expected.”  Continue Reading

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A porch collapses at 43rd and Pine

May 22, 2014

West Philly Local readers are reporting that a porch collapsed this afternoon at around 2 p.m. at 4314-4316 Pine St. The fire department was on the scene. Neighbors say that the property has been neglected for a number of years.

“No one was home when this happened, thank goodness,” one neighbor wrote. (Photo by Deirdre Woods).


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Work has begun on ‘Sansom Street Flats,’ near 46th and Sansom

May 20, 2014

Photo by Annamarya Scaccia / West Philly Local

Photo by Annamarya Scaccia / West Philly Local

Earlier this month, a reader reached out to West Philly Local inquiring about the vacant lot on 46th and Sansom Streets. According to the reader, it seems a sprinkler-type system has been installed and dampening one of the lot’s holes, which were excavated earlier this year. “What is the story on that lot?” the reader asked us.

So we stopped by the fenced-in lot to find out exactly what’s happening on the site. Unlike our reader, we didn’t notice a sprinkler-type system on the grounds, but did see that the land is clearly undergoing redevelopment work. And our research confirmed this—according to a March Naked Philly post, the lot’s owner, Sansom Street Development LP, is in the process of constructing several rental units in the area.

In 2002, several run-down buildings on the parcel, encompassing 128-138 South 46th Street, were demolished as part of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission’s 45th and Sansom Redevelopment Plan established that year. According to the plan, 128-38 South 46th Street, along with 4611-21 Sansom Street and 4610-20 Sansom Street, were to be torn down to make way for new or “interim open space and possible future residential development.” Over the last decade, Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections has issued a number of violations for the vacant 128-138 parcel, mostly for the lack of lot maintenance (in spite of the plan’s intention, which stated the open space should be “well maintained, preferably under the stewardship of a local community-based organization”).

Minutes from a May 8, 2012 Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority meeting revealed that the PRA Board approved a resolution authorizing Sansom Street Development as the redeveloper of 128-138 S. 46th Street, in addition to other properties along the 4500 block of Sansom Street — all located in the 45th and Sansom Street Urban Renewal Area. As noted by Naked City, the minutes show Sansom Street Development plans to build on the 46th Street lot six units containing four two-bedroom, market rate rental apartments. They will be known as the Sansom Street Flats, according to the redeveloper’s economic opportunity plan, West Philly Local has found.

According to public records, Sansom Street Development current property licenses for the 128-138 S. 46th Street site expire at the end of February 2015.

In 2011, Sansom Street also completed construction of a multi-family home at 4534 Sansom Street under the business name Sansom Street Development SSD1, LP. It was one of two plots conveyed to the company by The Partnership CDC, done so without PRA’s consent (PRA approved a redevelopment agreement with the Partnership for 4530 and 4534 Sansom Streets in 2004). During a August 14, 2013 meeting, the PRA approved Sansom Street Development 1 as assignee of the redevelopment agreement for those properties.

Annamarya Scaccia

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