

Permanent chess tables, other updates coming to Clark Park’s North Park

October 20, 2016


The northern section of Clark Park at 43rd and Baltimore (Clark Park “A”) has been under construction this week. The work includes installation of long-awaited permanent chess tables to “replace the ratty units the players now employ,” according to the Friends of Clark Park website, and restoration of the layer of gravel that covers the plaza, which hasn’t been updated since 2009.

A rough estimate of the cost of this project is $15,000, and the funding became possible thanks to Friends of Clark Park membership dollars.

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Parking spaces to turn into parks for Park(ing) Day Philly

September 15, 2016

Park(ing) Day is coming to Philadelphia on Friday, Sept. 16 and local activists, designers and citizens will transform street or metered parking spots into temporary public parks (aka “parklets”). So far here’s what’s happening in West Philly, and everyone is welcome to stop by and enjoy the following parks:

  • parkingdayRepair the World Philadelphia will create a parklet on the 200 block of S. 40th St.
  • People’s Emergency Center (PEC) will create parks at 3750 and 4116 Lancaster Ave. There will be a seating area open to the public and activities throughout the day.

Many more parklets will be created throughout the city this Friday, so check out this interactive map.

The event will be held from approximately 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

Park(ing) Day is a worldwide event held on the third Friday in September.

And just a reminder that there are several more permanent parklets in University City that pop us every spring, so we hope you’re enjoying them while the weather is still warm. If you need a reminder where they are, check out this post.

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Get “buzzed” at Bartram’s Garden this Sunday

September 6, 2016

honeyfest1Bartram’s Garden will be hosting the annual Philadelphia Honey Festival this Sunday (Sept. 11). The festival will feature a bunch of fun and educational events and activities for the whole family, include honey tastings and sales from local beekeepers. Festivities will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and daytime events are free and open to the public. Check out the Bartram’s Garden website for more details.

One of the special events planned as part of the festival is the “Buzzed” Ice Cream Social fundraiser, featuring Little Baby’s ice cream, Art in the Age cocktails, and boozy ice cream floats!

Guests are invited to sample the exclusive new Bartram’s Garden flavor from Little Baby’s Ice Cream and enjoy Philly-themed favorites from Art in the Age, which is crafting a number of specialty concoctions specifically for the event including a Bartram-inspired cocktail.


Photos courtesy of Bartram’s Garden

Tickets are $15 ($12 for Bartram’s Garden members) and include your first drink and first ice cream or float. All guests will need to provide photo ID before being served alcohol. Click here to buy your ticket online.

The event will be held from 3 – 5 p.m. and all ages are welcome.

Bartram’s Garden is located at 5400 Lindbergh Blvd. and you can get there by public transportation (Trolley Route 36) or by bike. Parking is also available.

For more information, visit:

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Centennial Commons construction to begin this Fall

August 17, 2016


The proposed site plan for the Centennial Commons (Courtesy of Studio | Bryan Hanes)

Centennial Commons, the project that will provide a much needed recreation space near The Please Touch Museum in West Parkside, is expected to break ground this Fall, according to a report by PlanPhilly. The first construction phase of the project, initiated by Fairmount Park Conservancy, the Parkside Association of Philadelphia and East Parkside Residents Association, includes park “porches”.

When completed, the project will provide a seating area with landscaping that will give both residents and visitors the opportunity to enjoy the space. It will also include a large playground with a climbing wall and spray park.

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the William Penn Foundation are funding the project as part of an $11 million grant to re-imagine public spaces in Philadelphia. The total cost of the Centennial Commons project is approximately $7 million.

Read more about the project here and here.

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Oh deer! Saturday at The Woodlands

July 30, 2016

When you take a walk at The Woodland Cemetery you never know what you may run into. We spotted two deer hanging out at the cemetery today.

deerWoodlands1 Continue Reading

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Shakesbeer: ‘Parks on Tap’ visits West Philly parks this month, including Clark Park (updated)

July 7, 2016



          Photos via

Parks on Tap is a cool new program by Philadelphia Parks & Rec and Fairmount Park Conservancy that brings a traveling beer garden from park to park for 14 weeks, including a stop at Clark Park during Shakespeare in Park.

From July 8 to July 10, the program will make a stop at the beautiful Shofuso Japanese House and Garden in West Fairmount Park at Landsdowne and Horticultural Drives. Guests can enjoy craft beer, delicious food, and family-friendly activities all weekend long. There will also be FREE admission to the garden and a special $5 admission price into the house.

Parks on Tap will also offer Maha Yoga on Saturday and coincide with Family Tanabata weekend and Japanese Tea ceremonies on Sunday. The Tea Ceremony is an additional $30 and requires a reservation. Hours of operation are Friday and Saturday 1 to 11 p.m. and Sunday 12 to 10 p.m.  Continue Reading

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