
Real Estate

19th Century Powelton Village commercial strip protected, developer’s attorney vows fight

October 9, 2015

Meeting 3

36th and Lancaster

The city’s Historical Commission today added a strip of Lancaster Avenue commercial and residential buildings dating to the 1870s to the Registry of Historic Places.

The designation of the south side of the 3600 block of Lancaster Avenue requires Historical Commission approval of building or renovation plans.

An attorney for the property’s owner, AP Construction, vowed to appeal the decision.

The Powelton Village Civic Association began to pursue the designation last spring when it learned of AP Construction’s plans to demolish the block and reportedly sell it for student housing. With street-level storefronts and apartments on upper floors, the block anchors the main commercial strip in the neighborhood.

About 25 residents of Powelton Village were on hand at the meeting and nearly all raised their hands when asked if they agreed with the historic designation proposal.  Continue Reading

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Break-even housing: West Philly cooperative house seeks community

September 23, 2015


LCA members in 2014 (Facebook photo).

The Life Center Association (LCA), a community land trust in West Philadelphia, which owns several properties, is seeking a community of people – a group, a family, or families – to live in one of its houses on the 4800 block of Springfield Avenue. The house has seven bedrooms, two bathrooms, front and back yards, and a modern kitchen.

The LCA is a non-profit membership organization with a cooperative tenant management structure, where members share control of the housing as well as the responsibility for maintaining the houses. “Our goal is to acquire and hold houses permanently in order to secure access to long-term housing for community residents on a break-even basis,” reads the LCA’s announcement.  Continue Reading

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Former Subway restaurant space for rent on 46th and Baltimore

April 23, 2015


Last December we reported that the Subway restaurant at 4533 Baltimore Ave. closed down for an indefinite time. Four months later the restaurant is still closed and a sign appeared on the building saying that the space is being leased by Mallin Panchelli Nadel Realty, Inc.

The 1,100-square-foot space with a basement is reportedly offered for $2,500 a month (the listing with more information and photos is here). All the equipment, fixtures and furniture left after Subway are still there and available for purchase, according to the listing.

Prior to Subway this space was used by small local businesses. The news of Subway opening in the space in 2012 wasn’t taken well by some community residents (see photo below). The restaurant became a focal point of controversy in 2011 and 2012 (read more here).


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Zoning meeting Thursday on new development at 44th and Chestnut, special assembly license for Studio 34 and more

April 22, 2015

The Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) is inviting neighbors to learn more about and discuss new development proposals in the area at their next zoning committee meeting on Thursday, April 23 at 6:30 p.m.


Orens Brothers presenting their new project at Spruce Hill zoning meeting in March, 2015.

A discussion of a new development project at 4415 Chestnut Street is scheduled to be the first item on the agenda. Orens Brothers proposed a bold development for 150 apartment units, 50 parking spots, and three commercial/retail spaces at 4415 Chestnut through to Ludlow and down Ludlow, both sides, to 44th street. This will be an opportunity for neighbors to hear the proposal and offer questions and comments.

Other agenda items include:

• Two family dwelling at 217 S. 42nd Street. The Committee and neighbors approved these two units earlier, and this is the official RCO meeting.

• Studio 34’s application for a Special Assembly License. Read more about this application on the Studio 34 Facebook page.

• 22-28 S. 43rd Street. Continuation of discussion on development of land adjacent to an existing mosque. An update from the architect on design issues will be presented.

• 4530 Locust Street. Application for a three-unit building.

The meeting will take place at the SHCA office at 257 S. 45th Street. Each topic discussion is expected to take about 15 minutes, except for the 4415 Chestnut St project, which may take up to an hour, according to a committee notice.

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Residential building collapses on 4700 block of Walnut

April 21, 2015


Workers were tearing down a residential building, a part of a twin, on the 4700 block of Walnut Street today. The Philadelphia Licences and Inspections office deemed the building at 4729 Walnut St “imminently dangerous” and ordered it to be demolished after parts of its roof, wall, ceiling and floor collapsed on Friday. The license type for the property indicates that it was vacant.

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A bold building plan for the 4400 block of Chestnut and mosque expansion on S. 43rd

March 19, 2015

Scott (left) and Guy Orens talk to the Spruce Hill Zoning Committee on Wednesday about very rough plans for a residential building on the 4500 block of Chestnut.

Scott (left) and Guy Orens talk to the Spruce Hill Zoning Committee on Wednesday about very rough plans for a residential building on the 4400 block of Chestnut. (Photo by Mike Lyons / West Philly Local)


A local developer gave the Spruce Hill Community Association zoning committee a sneak peak of their plan for a residential complex that would dramatically change the 4400 block of Chestnut Street.

Scott and Guy Orens, owners of Orens Brothers Real Estate, presented a project that was very early in the planning stages to build a five-story, 150-unit on the north side of the 4400 block of Chestnut that require the demolition of some vacant and owner-occupied homes and a warehouse along Ludlow Street.

The two brothers, whose firm has built or renovated several large residential buildings in the city including the once-abandoned Croydon building at 49th and Locust, were not yet seeking any approval for their plan from the committee.

They have already purchased many of the properties that would be required to build the complex, which would be one- and two-bedroom rentals, but public discussions about things like building design, materials and facade appearance have not yet begun.

“We are willing to participate in creating something that you will like,” Scott Orens told the committee.  Continue Reading

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