As promised, we checked into a few other developments in the area for round two of our real estate updates (you can read Part I here). We’ve received somewhat definitive answers for some projects—others were harder to chase down. We’ll update this post once we learn more information.
- The Croydon, at 241 S. 49th Street, seems to be shaping up nicely. According to a receptionist for the Orens Brothers, property owners of the 127-unit building, the Croydon is still under renovation, with possible occupancy starting in February. (To this end, reported earlier this month that about 30 of the 127 apartments will be available beginning in January.) The project, however, will be completely renovated by June 2014, with occupancy projected to begin by this date, according to the University City District’s The State of University City 2013/2014 report.
In August, we reported that Friends of Clark Park (FOCP) released a statement in favor of the design plans proposed for 4224 Baltimore Ave, the project under construction at the lot on 43rd Street and Baltimore Avenue. That seems to be the last we’ve heard about the proposed project—4224 Baltimore’s website and Facebook page haven’t been updated since September, when ran an article on Omar Blaik of U3 Ventures, owner of the development firm acting as liaison for the project. According to the article, since 4224 Baltimore’s projected design calls for a five-story building–two more than allotted per current zoning–Blaik has to “persuade” City Council to change zoning for the site. We were unable to reach U3 Ventures for further detail by the time of publication.
- In August, we also reported that Kensington-based Greensgrow Farms is eyeing the empty lot on 51st Street and Baltimore Avenue as part of their search for a West Philly hub, but its interest was in the proposal stage. According to Greensgrow’s Design and Media Coordinator Bryn Ashburn, they’re still in the proposal stage. Ryan Spak, owner of the lot, confirmed as much, saying more details have to be hammered out before they could move forward with anything official.
- It’s been a year since the old West Philadelphia High School was sold to New York-based developer Strong Place Partners and it has been radio silence since. Even a quick Google search yields little information since the sale of the building, which was sold for $6.5 million, was announced in late 2012. Rumor has it, though, that the sale fell through (or at least, didn’t close). We couldn’t confirm that gossip with Strong Place Partners, but a property assessment search still lists the School District of Philadelphia as the owner. We’ll post an update once we’re able to get more information.
–Annamarya Scaccia
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