Posted on 02 April 2014 by
Two West Philly schools are holding community forums this week and your participation and input are important.
– Greening Lea, a project of West Philly Coalition for Neighborhood Schools (WPCNS), is at the center of discussion on Wednesday, from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Henry C. Lea School Auditorium (4700 Locust, enter through the small playground on Locust). Participants will be asked about their vision for Lea’s new playground being designed by SALT Design Studio. The studio seeks input from parents, students, teachers, and the community on the project.
Greening Lea began the process in early 2012 with a master plan and vision to revitalize the Lea schoolyards. Your help is needed as they are moving forward with the first stage of the project. Please answer the following questions and email your responses to: or bring them to tonight’s meeting:
• What is ONE thing you love about your neighborhood?
• What is ONE thing you don’t like about your neighborhood?
• If you could make a change, what is the ONE thing you would change in your neighborhood?
More information on Greening Lea and tonight’s meeting can be found on the WPCNS website.
On Thursday, April 3, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., the Paul Robeson High School for Human Services (4125 Ludlow St) will conduct its first Neighborhood Summit. The purpose of the summit is to determine the best way Paul Robeson High School can join with parents and community partners to improve the culture of the school and its community. All are invited! The format will be “chat and chew,” with informal discussions led by students and faculty.
Posted on 13 January 2014 by Mike Lyons
Here’s a heads up for parents looking for school registration information for next year at two neighborhood schools.
The registration lottery period for the Penn Alexander School (43rd & Locust) begins next Tuesday, Jan. 21, and runs through Friday, Feb. 28, according to the School District of Philadelphia. The registration is open to students who live within the school’s catchment area. Proof of residence will be required for registration. Applications can be submitted at the school between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. The lottery will be conducted on March 5 and parents will be notified by letter during the week of March 10.
Kindergarten enrollment at the Henry C. Lea School (47th & Locust) also begins on Jan. 21. The Lea School will host an open house on Thursday, Jan. 16 from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. The open house will start in the school’s auditorium (the entrance is through the small playground on Locust Street). If you are interested in Lea but don’t live in the catchment the deadline for the voluntary transfer process is this Friday, Jan. 17. Get more information here.
Posted on 03 December 2013 by Mike Lyons
The University of Pennsylvania’s community outreach office is hosting a community meeting on Thursday morning, Dec. 5, to discuss public school initiatives, including its program at the Henry C. Lea School (47th and Locust).
The meeting will run from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at the Walnut Street West Library (40th and Walnut). Representatives of Penn’s Graduate School of Education, Lea School University Partnership and Netter Center for Community Partnerships will be there to talk about their programs.
Thursday’s meeting is part of the regular First Thursday Community Meeting series that Penn routinely hosts.
Posted on 26 August 2013 by Mike Lyons
The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) will hold a rally at the Henry C. Lea School (47th and Locust) on Tuesday to protest cuts in school funding.
The rally is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. and is one of many events that the PFT is holding at neighborhood schools around the city in response to cuts in school funding. The PFT contract expires on Aug. 31.
Gov. Tom Corbett has made it clear that the state will contribute another $45 million to help close the $304 million budget shortfall if the union agrees in millions of dollars in concessions in its new contract.
The School District of Philadelphia laid off about 4,000 school personnel, including hundreds of teachers, in response to the budget crisis.

Posted on 12 September 2012 by WPL
The Penn Community School Student Partnerships (CSSP) and the West Philly Recess Initiative program (WPRI) work on improving recess environment at Alexander Wilson and Henry C. Lea elementary schools in West Philadelphia. As part of this initiative, a campaign is underway to raise funds for new recess supplies. To donate, please visit this page.
WPRI is also looking for additional adult volunteers to work with Lea and Wilson students. WPRI volunteers help organize recess activities and assist the lunchtime staff. Their work includes encouraging interactive play, increasing physical fitness and outdoor play, and minimizing conflicts and bullying during recess. If you would like to help or for more information, please contact Kate Mills at:
You can read more about West Philadelphia Recess Initiative here.
Posted on 10 August 2012 by Mike Lyons
The new school year hasn’t even started yet and already there is confusion. While the School District of Philadelphia has set the official date for new student registration as Aug. 20, at least two schools in West Philly are registering new students starting Monday, Aug. 13.
Henry C. Lea Elementary and Penn Alexander will accept new student registration beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday morning.
“They gave out the date late,” said an official at Penn Alexander referring to the District’s Aug. 20 date. “We’re sticking with our original plan for the 13th.”
Likewise, an official at Lea said, “the secretary will be here Monday morning registering students.”
No one answered the phone at A.D. Harrington, Samuel B. Huey, Alain Locke, Samuel Powel and Alexander Wilson. New students who plan to attend those schools should call to double-check on registration dates (see the phone numbers below).
Last year, the line for registration at Penn Alexander began at 7:30 a.m. the previous day. Continue Reading
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