Posted on 28 April 2020 by

Worf (responds to Worfie) is an indoor/outdoor cat that’s been missing from his home at 50th and Hazel since April 15th. He got stuck hanging in between two fence panels by one rear leg and when his owner freed him he ran away.
The cat was last seen running into a yard on Larchwood Ave.
He’s an older cat, all black with some grey, a tipped ear, larger fangs, boxy looking, and is pretty friendly. He most likely has some kind of injury on a rear leg, according to the owner.
If you see this cat, please email Matt at: or call 267.973.3491.
Posted on 13 March 2017 by

UPDATE (3/17/17): Great news: Gabriel is back home after being trapped in a humane trap provided by West Philly-based all-volunteer cat rescue organization Project MEOW.
Owners are looking for their large grey cat, Gabriel, that escaped from his home at 54th and Cedar last night, March 12. He is a large grey cat with a big head, grey collar, and pink tag.
Posted on 01 November 2016 by

Milky Joe, a male medium sized grey and white domestic short hair has been missing from 51st and Catharine since October 23. He was last seen near Cedar Park around 49th and Catharine. He is shy but sweet.
UPDATE (11/5/2016): Milky Joe has been found!
Posted on 10 May 2016 by
The owners of an orange tabby cat, Francis, is making a plea with the community to help them find their pet after he escaped the deadly fire on the 4700 block of Hazel Avenue on May 7. The cat was reportedly spotted outside of the building after the fire, but is now lost. If you find the cat please call Rechelle at 620.719.0816 or Sean at 316.993.0695. Here’s a flier with more information:

Posted on 13 April 2015 by

The family that runs Manakeesh Café Bakery at 45th and Walnut are looking for their missing cat. The cat is described as a female ginger and white cat (pictured).
If you find the cat please call (215-921-2135) or bring her to Manakeesh. A free smoothie and half-dozen baklava are offered for anyone who finds her!
Posted on 28 October 2013 by

UPDATE (11/4/13): Nala came back home on Saturday, Nov. 2, according to her owner.
Nala, a 3-year-old medium sized tuxedo cat, ran out of her house on the 500 block of Cedar Avenue early last week and has not been seen since.
Nala weighs around 10-11 lbs. She is super friendly but is not an outdoors cat, according to her owner Daniel, who emailed us this information. She does not have a collar but does have a microchip. Her registered name is Orea; it wasn’t changed when she was adopted three years ago.
If you find her please email Daniel at: or call 215-268-2760.
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